Workflow: Creating a safety-relevant application or library for this application

This article contains a diagram showing the high-level workflow of creating a safety-relevant application when using logi.CAD 3 . A brief explanation is given in the subsequent table specifying links for more information. Moreover, this article and the articles s pecified in the subsequent table (all are a part of "Safety instructions on working with the IDE") contain the safety instructions for the workflow phases that you must observe.
images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE " is valid for logi.CAD 3 version 3.23.2 incl. possibly existing patch versions.

F or the specified workflow, comply with the following warnings/notes and the warnings/notes as specified in the linked articles:

Warning 1

When using the documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE", it is imperative to consult the safety manuals for the respective target platform and the respective safety →PLC as well.
Observe the following concerning these applicable safety manuals:

  • The safety manual for the target platform when using logi.CAD 3 version 3.23.2 to create safety-relevant applications and/or libraries for them is the documentation " logi.µSRTS safety manual" .
    This document is provided by logi.cals to the system integrator. The system integrator might have adapted this document for application when using the system integrator's safety PLC .

  • The safety manual for the safety PLC is provided by the system integrator.
    This document is not part of the scope of the documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE"

This means: When using logi.CAD 3 version 3.23.2 to create safety-relevant applications and/or →libraries for them, also follow all instructions of " logi.µSRTS safety manual" and the safety manual for the safety PLC. Contact the system integrator to obtain both documents.

Warning 2

Make sure that only tested versions of →POUs are used in the safety-relevant application . This must be solved by organisational measures .

One possibility to ensure that only tested versions of POUs are used is the usage of only POUs that are provided within a versioned library after the POUs have been tested (a SiL-test, a PiL-test and a static code analysis must have been performed for them) and they have been released as well. Details on creating a library with POUs: See logi.CAD 3 user documentation , "Creating custom library with user blocks"

Overview of the workflow

For simplicity reasons, the diagram focuses on the workflow phases that must be applied when developing a safety-relevant application. See the subsequent table for details which workflow phase must be applied when creating a library for a safety-relevant application.


images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The maintenance/update procedure for logi.CAD 3 is to be done by the system integrator only.

Phases and work products

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg If you are using the LVL-workflow (see "→LVL - Limited Variability Language"), actions and associated work products can be omitted. Details on this LVL-workflow and its conditions: See "Recommendations for LVL-workflow" .
When all actions are executed and all associated work products are generated, the full workflow is applied. This full workflow is also identifed as →FVL-workflow.



Work product

Application specification

In the phase "application specification",

  • all requirements for the application are specified and/or refined and

  • the specification for the application is created to define the functionalities and properties of the application required for the implementation.

This is not done in logi.CAD 3 .

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The work products and actions during the phase "application specification" are not detailed in this safety manual. If you need details, consult the relevant standards or other appropriate documentation.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applys to a library as well. In this case, this phase is called "Library specification". The work product is the s pecification and requirements for the library.

Specification and requirements for application

Module specification

In the phase "module specification",

  • all requirements for a module are specified and/or refined and

  • the specification for the module is created to define the functionalities and properties of the module required for the implementation.

This is not done in logi.CAD 3 .

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The work products and actions during the phase "module specification" are not detailed in this safety manual. If you need details, consult the relevant standards or other appropriate documentation.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to a module of a library as well.

Specification and requirements for module

In parallel, the test specification for the module is created to verify that the module implementation complies with the module specification and fulfills the module requirements.

This is not done in logi.CAD 3 .

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to a module of a library as well.

Test specification for POU

Module implementation

In the phase "module implementation", the individual modules are developed in accordance with the specification and requirements for the module.
The modules are created as POUs in logi.CAD 3 . It is recommended to create a POU in ST or FBD.

See "Implementing the POUs".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to a module of a library as well.

POU (in ST or FBD)

Parallelly with the implementation of the POUs, a test case for each POU provides evidence that the created POU complies with the existing requirements and that its implementation contains neither undesired functionalities nor undesired properties.
The test cases are created in logi.CAD 3. They are the base for the SiL-test and for the PiL-test.

See "Implementing the test cases for POUs".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to a module of a library as well.

Test case for POU

SiL-Test (on PC)

In the phase "SiL-test (on PC)", the →SiL-test incl. coverage is executed in logi.CAD 3 for each POU on the PC verifying that the POU fulfills its specification and requirements in the simulated environment.

The SiL-test incl. coverages generates a coverage report for the POU. This coverage report is proving all branches in the implementation are covered by the test. This is a condition for operating a safety application.

See "SiL-test: Testing the POUs on the PC".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to a module of a library as well.

Coverage report for POU

In parallel, a SiL-test report is generated for each POU. This SiL-test report is proving that all requirement are verified by the test. This is also a condition for operating a safety application.

See "SiL-test: Testing the POUs on the PC".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to a module of a library as well.

SiL-test report for POU

PiL-Test (on PLC)

In the phase "PiL-test (on PLC)", the →PiL-test is executed in logi.CAD 3 for each POU on the actual PLC again verifying that the POU fulfills its specification and requirements when executed in the target environment.
The PiL-test must be executed after the SiL-test.

The PiL-test generates a PiL-test report for the POU. This PiL-test report is proving that all requirement are verified by the test on the actual PLC. By comparing the SiL-test report with the PiL-test report, it is ensured that the implementation behaves identical in the simulated environment and in the target environment. This is also a condition for operating a safety application.

See "PiL-test: Testing the POUs on the PLC"

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to a module of a library as well.

PiL-test report for POU

Integration and system test

In the phase "integration and system test", the application (with all POUs) is built in logi.CAD 3 and then loaded on the PLC. This results in the code image for the application that is running on the PLC.
Before actually building and loading the application, it is important to perform a static code analysis. And after building and loading the application, it is important to check the build report and compare its information with previous reports.

See "Building and loading the application onto the PLC".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applys to a library as well. However for a library, this part is identified as creating and deploying the library. See "Creating and deploying a library".
When creating and deploying the library, the required static code analysis is automatically triggered. After the library is created/deployed, it is important to check the library generation report and compare its information with previous reports.

Code image for application (running on PLC)

The application running on the PLC is validated based on the test specification for the application. This validation must be documented by a test report for the application.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The test specification for the application and the test report for the application are not detailed in this safety manual. If you need details, consult the relevant standards or other appropriate documentation.

The integration and system tests are required to provide evidence that the application

  • fulfills the requirements when executed on the safety PLC and

  • contains neither undesired functionalities nor undesired properties.

The validation is not done in logi.CAD 3 . However, some features or logi.CAD 3 (such as the Values of Variables view) may be used to support the validation.

See "Validating the application running on the PLC".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase does not apply to a library.

Test specification for application

Application release

In the phase "application release", the application is released for safe operation – if all previous verification and validation stages have successfully passed.

The release must be documented by a release report. It is recommended that the fingerprint of the application is included in the release report to allow identification of the released application.
The release is not done in logi.CAD 3

See "Releasing the application for safe operation".

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applys to a library as well. In this case, this phase is called "Library release".

Release report