Releasing the application for safe operation

This article is about the workflow phase " Application release ". images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg This phase applies to an application and a library. In the context of a library, this phase is rather called "Library release".

In the phase "application release", the application is released for safe operation – if all previous verification and validation stages have successfully passed.

The release must be documented by a release report. It is recommended that the fingerprint of the application is included in the release report to allow identification of the released application.
The release is not done in logi.CAD 3

See the safety manual for the target platform for instructions and warnings on a release, e.g. the " logi.µSRTS safety manual", article "Releasing the application for safe operation".

When releasing an application or library, comply with the warnings as specified in this safety manual for the target platform and the following warnings Warning 1 to Warning 3 :

Warning 1

When releasing the application or a library, make sure;

  • All instructions have been executed as specified in the previous workflow phases of the " Safety instructions on working with the IDE have successfully passed.


  • In particular, the verification and validation stages of the " Safety instructions on working with the IDE " have successfully passed.

As a consequence, the following reports must exist and their contents must have been checked:

  • SiL-test reports (if required)

  • PiL-test reports (if required)

  • MRC-report

  • build report (in the case of an application) or the library generation report (in the case of an library)

Warning 2 and Warning 3 apply to a library only:

Warning 2

Before a custom library is installed in a project to be used for developing safety-relevant applications, this custom library must be released – in particular, by a qualified person.
images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The release process is an organizational measure that needs to be done by qualified persons as specified under the article "Requirements for use".

Warning 3

If a custom library should not be used any longer, delete this custom library from the library provider (see logi.CAD 3 user documentation, "Library provider and library cache") and clean the library cache as described in the reference documentation (see logi.CAD 3 user documentation, "Cleaning the library cache") so that obsolete libraries cannot be installed from the library cache by mistake.