Requirements for use

This article lists the requirements for logi.CAD 3 when developing safety-relevant applications:

Requirements for the development process

Warning 1

A defined development process is required for the development and the commissioning of safety-relevant applications.
The development process must deal with the requirements of the appropriate underlying standard, in particular with the required validation and verification measures.

Properly trained personnel

Warning 2

logi.CAD 3 must be used by properly trained personnel only.

Properly trained personnel are qualified persons with all the following characteristics and skills:

  • persons planning, developing, assembling and/or commissioning safety-relevant applications

  • persons that given their knowledge, experience, qualifications and/or training are authorized to use logi.CAD 3 (as described in the documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE " and are able to detect and prevent possible risks

  • persons familiar with the relevant safety concepts for automation engineering

  • persons familiar with the underlying standards and regulations

  • persons familiar with the instructions of the manufacturer manual for the safety system

  • persons familiar with the instructions of this document – Hence, s ufficient language skills are required to understand all instructions given in this document.

Warning 3

Organisational measures must be taken to ensure that only a qualified person can access the safety-relevant applications and the safety →PLC.

Those measures can include:

  • keeping authentication information secure
    That means: Do not write them down or share them with unauthorized persons.

  • when leaving the working place

    • exiting logi.CAD 3

    • locking the computer screen

Warning 4

Persons using logi.CAD 3 must have appropriate knowledge, experience and qualifications relevant for the tasks they are performing. These tasks are in particular: creating/editing the safety-relevant application, verifying and validating the safety-relevant application, releasing the safety-relevant application for operation.

The person performing the task(s) must be a qualified person that has appropriate knowledge, experience and qualifications with the following aspects:

  • safety engineering

  • safety concepts in automation engineering

  • accident detection and prevention

  • extent of the consequences in the event of a failure

  • possibly existing company guidelines

  • the references and standards

  • the manual of the safety system

  • the safety manuals or the appropriate documentation on performing the safety-relevant tasks
    This is: this documentation "Safety instructions on working with the IDE" (in particular, its specific instructions) as well as the documentation " logi.µSRTS safety manual" (and its specific instructions)

When one person is performing different tasks in accordance to the references/standards or company guidelines, the degree of independence must be observed.

Warning 5

logi.CAD 3 does only provide basic authentication/authorization support. The operator of the safety PLC must ensure, that the safety system as well as the working places where the safety-relevant applications are created and/or modified, are protected against unauthorized access .
Those measures can include restricting the access to the PLC (for example private network, VPN).