Comment fields

Use comment fields in the FBD-editor to have comments at any position within the function logic.

logi.CAD 3 provides the following types of comment fields :

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg If the FBD-editor and its elements are displayed differently in your logi.CAD 3 version, the system integrator has changed the styles for the FBD-editor. In this case and for information about the changed representation, please contact your system integrator.

Comment field within the drawing field

It is possible to attach a comment field to a certain FBD-element or to position it without any attachment within the drawing field.


Example for 3 comment fields (without any attachment) and one comment field that is attached to the →call of an RS block:


The assignment of the comment field is represented by a direct line. Use attached comment fields in order to evaluate information by using dynamic texts within the attached comment fields.

Comment field within the interface for a block

Comment fields that are created within the interface of a block are also identified as internal comment fields.


Example for a comment field within the interface editor:


The comment field within the interface editor has been selected in the above example so that it is easier to detect the comment field (by means of the selection frame).