Assigning access rights to a role or deleting the existing assignment

How to change the access rights for a role in the Access rights dialog:

  1. In the upper list, select the role for which you want to change the assignment.

  2. Change the assignment in the lower list:

    1. Check the feature for which the role should have the access right. In this case, the feature is activated.
      Alternative for faster checking the features: Check the group, if you want all features in the group to be activated. Or click Select all above the list to activate all features.

    2. Uncheck the feature for which the role should not have the access right. In this case, the feature is deactivated.
      Alternative for faster unchecking the features: Uncheck the group, if you want all features in the group to be deactivated. Or click Deselect all above the list to deactivate all features.

See " Features for access control " for information about the provided features of logi.CAD 3 and their meaning.