
A line connects FBD-elements, such as →value fields, with other FBD-elements.
Usually, a line leads from the output connection point (short: output) of one FBD-element to the input connection point (short: input) of the other FBD-element. Open lines are possible – an open line is a line that does not start and/or end with an FBD-element.

A line might consist of different orthogonal parts that are automatically created.


Color/style of a line is determined by the data type that is valid for the output.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg If the FBD-editor and its elements are displayed differently in your logi.CAD 3 version, the system integrator has changed the styles for the FBD-editor. In this case and for information about the changed representation, please contact your system integrator.

Examples for the representation:

  • Values fields that are connected with a line:

  • Calls and values fields that are connected with lines:

  • Value field with an open line:


By default, Boolean lines are emphasized within an FBD-editor with →instance context:


Boolean lines are lines that are connected to FBD-elements containing or representing a →variable of →data type BOOL. or a →Boolean literal . The emphasizing of Boolean lines has the following meaning:

  • A thick, red line indicates the value TRUE (or an equivalent).

  • A thick, dark-blue line indicates the value FALSE (or an equivalent).

  • A thick line dashed in black and red is indicating that no value could be requested for the line. A possible reason for this is that the current state of the application has not been loaded onto the PLC yet. This means for the illustration:: The variables var1, var2 and var3 already exist on the PLC, but not the variable var4.

Good to know

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb.svg When animating a Boolean line for a variable, logi.CAD 3 is using the value that exists on the →PLC. However in case of a Boolean literal, logi.CAD 3 is using the value directly from the logic. See "Example: Effect of a changed Boolean literal onto the animation".