Viewing state information on PLC

Condition to view information about the state of the PLC: You

have configured the PLC within the PLC-object and
are connected to the PLC.

How to view information about the state of the →PLC:

  • In the Instance view: Expand the item PLC Information for the IEC-resource (= element with icon images/download/attachments/406126785/Resource-version-1-modificationdate-1530007752717-api-v2.png ).
    The children display state information of the PLC. Before loading the application, you can check the information whether this is the correct PLC.

  • If you want to address a different PLC and this PLC is not available within the list, enter a new PLC-configuration within the editor for the PLC-object.
    In this editor, you can also provide several PLC-configurations in order to quickly change the PLC-configuration.

After loading the application, starting resp. stopping the execution, logi.CAD 3 updates the state information of the PLC: The Instance view shows information on the newly created and loaded code image.

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