Stopping the execution on PLC

Conditions for Stop Application:

How to stop the execution of the loaded application on a →PLC:

  1. In the Instance view: Select the requested PLC (= appertaining IEC-resource with icon images/download/attachments/406126785/Resource-version-1-modificationdate-1530007752717-api-v2.png ) or one of the children.
    Result: Above the toolbar for the view, the selected PLC incl. the project name is displayed.

  2. Click images/download/attachments/405733762/StopProgram-version-1-modificationdate-1529910907409-api-v2.png .

  3. If a prompt is displayed whether you want to stop the application, make sure that the application with the mentioned fingerprint should really be stopped. If this is the case, click Yes .
    images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The used platform determines whether this prompt is displayed or not . The available platforms are listed under "Configuring PLC within PLC-object".
    Result: The Instances view displays the updated execution state. If variables are visible in the Values of Variables view, the values are not updated anymore.