Loading application onto phyBOARD

Starting logi.CAD 3

Condition for an extended version of logi.CAD 3: You have already installed the required license.

  1. Go to the folder where you installed logi.CAD 3.

  2. Locate the file logiCAD3.exe to start logi.CAD 3 and double-click it.

  3. If you have installed one version of logi.CAD 3 only on your system, select the default workspace and click OK in the dialog.
    images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg Mind the guidelines/recommendations for a workspace. Moreover, consider the guidelines/recommendations for projects that you are going to create in logi.CAD 3. See "Starting the development environment and the runtime environment" for those guidelines/recommendations.

  4. Only required at the first start of logi.CAD 3:

Creating project for phyBOARD

  1. In menu File or from the context menu within the project explorer, select New and Project...

  2. In the dialog, expand logi.CAD 3 Templates, select the project template logi.CAD 3 Project for phyBOARD-Regor or logi.CAD 3 Project for phyBOARD-Wega and click Next >.
    If you are interested in a sample application, use a sample project for phyBOARD.

  3. On the next page, enter or select the project name, uncheck Use default location and enter a location outside the workspace, then click Finish.

    No blanks or special characters in project name and location

    Make sure that there are no blanks or special characters (such as umlauts, e.g. ä, ö, ü) in a project name and in the installation path. If anyway, logi.CAD 3 will not be able to load the application onto the PLC.
    For the paths and project names, letters A – Z or a – z, numbers 0 – 9, dots (character .), underlines (character _) and dashes (character -) are allowed. Examples for allowed project names: my.project, my-project, my_Project_01

    Result: The project is displayed within the project explorer.

Entering the IP-address of phyBOARD within PLC-object

The existing PLC-object is phyBoardRegor or phyBoardWega.

  1. Open the corresponding PLC-object.

  2. In the opened editor for the PLC-object, search for ADDRESS and enter the IP-address of your PLC.

    Given address
    ADDRESS :=;
    Example: IP-address of your PLC
    ADDRESS :=;
  3. Save the PLC-object.

Loading application onto phyBOARD and testing

  1. Open the perspective Application Testing: menu Window, Open Perspective and Application Testing

  2. Load the application onto the phyBOARD: In the Instance view, select PhyBoardRegorConfiguration/PhyBoardRegor or PhyBoardWegaConfiguration/PhyBoardWega. First click images/download/attachments/405733746/ConnectToPLC-version-1-modificationdate-1529910447299-api-v2.png and then images/download/attachments/405733741/LoadProgram-version-1-modificationdate-1529910412582-api-v2.png .

  3. If you have created the project based on a sample project:

    1. Drag variables from the Instances view into the Values of Variables view.

    2. Change the value for variables in order to write the changed value to the phyBOARD.

Make sure that there is a constant power supply of the PLC for some time after the application has been loaded.

Reason: The synchronizing on the PLC harddisk might be started with a delay after the application has been loaded. Consequence: If there is a power cycle (i.e., the PLC is switched off and on again) immediately after the application has been loaded, the loaded application might be lost and you have to load the application onto the PLC again.

Alternative: Configure logi.RTS so that the harddisk of the target system is synchronized at once after the application is loaded (details: "A power cycle on a target system Pi causes the loss of the loaded application").

These steps conclude the tutorial.