Adding, renaming or deleting roles

How to add a role in the Access rights dialog:

  1. In the upper list, select one or several roles to apply the existing data to the new role or roles.

  2. Click Add role(s).
    Result: The new roles are added with a unique name to the upper list. These roles have the same description, assigned users and access rights as the previously selected roles. If no role was selected, no description and assigned users are entered, also no access rights are activated.

How to rename a role in the Access rights dialog:

  1. In the upper list, select the role that you want to rename.

  2. Click Rename role.

  3. In the opened Rename role dialog, enter a unique name. The best practice is to use sufficiently descriptive names for the roles, e.g. Machine operator, Developer, Safety Engineer. The German and English language variants of logi.CAD 3 use the same names for the roles.
    images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg The name is automatically written in capital letters.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Recommended: Correct the description for the role by clicking once on the field in the Description column and entering the desired description. Accept the change by pressing the Enter-key or clicking the primary mouse button outside of the current field . Press the ESC-key , if you want to discard the change.

How to delete existing roles in the Access rights dialog:

  1. In the upper list, select the roles that you want to delete.
    Press Ctrl+A to select all roles in the list . Or p ress and hold the Ctrl-key or the Shift-key to select several roles .

  2. Click Delete role(s). Alternative: Press the F2-key.

  3. In the opened Delete role or Delete roles dialog, click OK.

Do not delete the Administrator role or the Anonymous role. Reasons:

  • logi.CAD 3 requires a default Administrator role and a default Anonymous role. Without these 2 roles, the correct application/configuration of the access control is not granted.

  • The Administrator role has the f eature Edit access control configuration in order to be able to configure the access rights for the project

Workaround, if you can no longer configure access rights because of these deleted roles: Create a new project. Copy the objects from the project with the incorrect access rights configuration to the new project