Basic workarounds in case of errors while importing projects and other operations with projects

If an exception occurs while importing a project or another error occurs while working with the project and this error is not otherwise specified, perform the following workarounds:

  1. Clean the project.

  2. If the error still occurs, delete the project-internal database and have it created anew:

    1. Start the explorer of the operating system and go to the folder of the workspace.
      If you are unsure what the folder of the workspace is, select in logi.CAD 3: menu File, command Switch Workspace and Other... – The opened dialog displays the folder of the workspace.

    2. Move on into this sub-folder: .metadata\.plugins\com.logicals.projectindex\database\project-name\

    3. In this sub-folder, delete these files: and project.trace.db

    4. In the project explorer of logi.CAD 3: Delete the project. Make sure that Delete project contents on disk (cannot be done) is cleared in the dialog.

    5. In the project explorer again: Import the project. Now the project-internal database is created anew.

Background information: For the exception, the following message might be displayed within the Error Log view: Exception EclipseLink-4002 (Eclipse Persistence Services - 2.6.3.v20160428-59c81c5): org.eclipse.persistence.exceptions.DatabaseException...

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg logi.cals recommends to install and use the most current versions of logi.CAD 3 and the runtime system so that the latest features and problem fixes according to the release notes are provided in the used version.

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