Quick fixes to quickly resolve errors in the FBD-editor

Quick fixes are one or more possible corrections the FBD-editor offers for found errors. The error highlight disappears as soon as the correction is applied without producing any errors.

A quick fix is available in these places:

  1. in the context menu of the FBD-editor

    Error type

    Provided command


    a faulty →call of a →block because the interface has been changed in the interface editor

    from the context menu of the FBD-editor (when the faulty call is selected), command Update
    Alternative: Ctrl+1 or F5

    See "Updating existing calls for changed interfaces".

    a →feedback loop, if the output of a function is connected to a previous input and there is no variable in between

    from the context menu of the FBD-editor (when the faulty line is selected), command Quick Fix (Feedback Loop)
    Alternative: Ctrl+1

    images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg If logi.CAD 3 is configured so that the feedback loop is reported as warning, the command is not provided in the context menu. In this case, best practice is to create a value field and to connect it with the output and the input of the function so that a variable is positioned in between.

    logi.CAD 3 inserts the preview of a →value field into the faulty line. This value field contains a new →variable with a unique name.
    Position the value field in the FBD-editor by pressing the primary mouse button . Now there is a variable positioned between the output and the input of the function .

  2. the Problems view – Details on this possibility are found under "Quick-fixing the problem".