Going to the declaration of a block or variable

How to go to the declaration of a →function, →function block or a →variable that used in the →graphical FBD-editor:

In the context menu of the →call or of the →value field, select Navigate and Open Declaration. Alternative: Select the corresponding FBD-element and press the F3-key.
Result: In case of a function call, logi.CAD 3 opens the default editor in which the function has been declared. In case of a variable or a function block instance, logi.CAD 3 changes to the list of the declared variables.

If you want to change to the editor in which the function block type has been declared:

Double-click the function block instance that is used within the drawing field. Alternative: Within the list of the declared variables, use the context menu command Open Declaration or the keyboard shortcut F3 for the selected function block instance.
Result: The function block is opened within the default editor. If an →instance context has been set for the current FBD-editor, it is automatically transferred to the new FBD-editor. If the block has been declared in →ST, logi.CAD 3 directly goes to the declaration.