Release notes for version

This article contains the release notes for logi.CAD 3 version 3.19.0.

Up-to-date informationen within online-version

Please check the online-version (provided under whether new pieces of information have been added since this user manual (as PDF/HTML/Word) has been published; e.g. the release notes quote new problems or there are new articles in the troubleshooting- or FAQ-section.
The online-version of the release notes for logi.CAD 3 is available under: – Use the version picker (above the table of contents) to switch to the relevant version of logi.CAD 3.

Release-Notes for previous versions of logi.CAD 3 are provided in the online-version under only.

General information

About compatibility:

If you have used a previous version of logi.CAD 3 and you want to use the current version, see "Are my projects upwards and downwards compatible?" for important information.

  • logi.CAD 3 is not supported for 32-bit Windows systems any longer.

  • For projects that are containing function blocks with in-out variables (= VAR_IN_OUT) and that have been created or imported and cleaned in version 3.1.0 (or a later version), some steps are required after the projects have been imported within versions < 3.1.0. See "Functions blocks with VAR_IN_OUT from version < 3.1.0 prevent the building of the application".

  • For projects created or imported in version 3.0.0 (or a later version), some steps are required after the projects have been imported within versions < 3.0.0. See "Are my projects upwards and downwards compatible?".

  • FBD -objects that have been saved in version 2.5.0 or a following version cannot be opened in versions < 2.5.0 anymore.

On the Log4j security vulnerability:

See "Is the IDE affected by the Log4j security vulnerability (December 2021, CVE-2021-44228, Log4Shell)".

About system libraries:

See "Release notes for system libraries".

Enum-Editor (53638

The graphical enum-editor to be used to edit and create enums (= data types with named values) has been disabled in logi.CAD 3 version 3.19.0 due to known bugs. As a consequence, you can edit and create enums only with the textual ST-editor in logi.CAD 3 version 3.19.0. See " Declaration of a data type with named values (enums) in ST " for the necessary ST-syntax.

Additional Information: If the release notes for version 3.19.0 contain additional items for the enum-editor, these items are not relevant for version 3.19.0.

General information for runtime system and target systems

About t he →runtime system :

If you are using logi.CAD 3 version 3.19.0, install and use the version 5 .16.0 of the runtime system.
The installation package for the runtime system is included in the delivery range of logi.CAD 3.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/warning.svg If you are using an older version of the runtime system, it might not be possible to successfully connect to the target system from within logi.CAD 3 (see troubleshooting article "No connection to the target system, but there are error messages)".
images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg See the FAQ article "When to update the version of the runtime system on the PLC?", if you need information on how to check whether the runtime system version appropriate for logi.CAD 3 is used on the PLC.

About →Raspberry Pi :

See the tutorial "Putting Raspberry Pi into operation" which version is recommended by logi.cals for usage.

New features in logi.CAD 3 version 3.19.0



New feature


Application navigator

In the application navigator, it is now possible to copy and paste a resource by dragging and dropping the resource while holding the Ctrl key. So far, this action has only been possible by using the commands Copy and Paste in the context menu of the object.


Application navigator

The button Link with Editor is now also supported in the application navigator. This means that changing the active editor updates the selection in the application navigator as well.


Application navigator

When copying and pasting a namespace folder in the application navigator, the namespace of the pasted objects is adjusted to the new name of the namespace folder. Previously, the namespace of the original namespace folder has been kept for the pasted objects.


Project explorer,
application navigator

In the project explorer and application navigator, read-only folders are displayed with the decorator images/download/thumbnails/497943458/ReadonlyEN-version-1-modificationdate-1660291259651-api-v2.png at the name. It is not possible to create new objects/folders in such a read-only folder within the application navigator.

Note: Usually, only a system integrator or administrator makes a folder of the project to be a read-only folder. Therefore, the documentation "Administrator's Manual" contains the information on how to do this.


Vendor blocks,

logi.CAD 3 provides the possibility to create vendor blocks in C and integrate them into your custom library. The logi.CAD 3 user documentation contains now instructions how to do this. See "Creating vendor blocks for the application or a library".

So far, these instructions have been provided in the documentation "Administrator's Manual".


Application navigator

It is now possible to delete projects in the application navigator. This possibility is analogous to the one in the project explorer,

See "Deleting project" if you need information about the option Delete project contents on disk (cannot be done) in the dialog.


Headless tools

logi.CAD 3 provides a new command line interface (also known as headless tools) that allows you to create a project. Details: See "Automated creating of projects".


Creating custom libraries

The statement BASE_TEST_SOURCE in a library configuration is now also supported for the standard library type LOGICAD but only in specific variants of logi.CAD 3.

This statement is only relevant, if a library element is tested by using the test framework.
Use this statement to define a project-relative directory where the test execution files for a library element of the library are searched for. See "Declaration of information on creation and references for the library" for an example illustrating the impact of the statement.


Creating projects

If you select the project template logi.CAD 3 Project ... in the start dialog of the project wizard, the project wizard displays another dialog to select the actual project template. Depending on your logi.CAD 3 configuration, this dialog might list further project templates. In this case, select the best suited project template before you enter the project name and the position of the new project in the concluding dialog of the project wizard.

For the other project templates, you directly go from the start dialog of the wizard, where you select the project template, to the concluding dialog, where you specify the project name and the position of the new project.



The pragma "{ DoNotValidateThisFile ('') }" can be used to ignore elements in an ST-object when validating the application.
If you use the ST-object in a library, the pragma is now copied to the library element when the library is created anew. Because of this copying action, library elements with the "{ DoNotValidateThisFile ('') }" pragma are now not validated when a project is cleaned.

When using a previous version of the library, errors/warnings regarding such library elements will still be reported when a project has been cleaned, although the basic ST-object did contain the pragma "{ DoNotValidateThisFile ('') }".



Global variables are declared and edited in the global-variables-editor. It is also possible to enter a description and a comment for the global variable. Until now, the ' character was not supported for this.
Now it is also possible to enter a description and a comment with the ' character in the global-variables-editor.


Test framework

The test framework is providing the possibility to consider the initial value of a local variable specified within the application when a test is executed. For this to work, you must enter the new test mode useImplValue in the worksheet Defaults of the test suite, delete the specified initial value in this worksheet and delete the column for this variable in the worksheet for the test case.

See "Example 5: Test case for addition with initial value of a local variable" for more information about the necessary steps.

New features relating to the runtime system and target systems



New feature


Fixed problems in logi.CAD 3 version 3.19.0



Fixed problem


Importing projects

An exception might occur when importing several projects from an archive.
Fix: The exception according to the following scenario does not occur. It is possible to import several projects from an archive.
Scenario for problem: If you import several projects from an archive file together when using a logi.CAD 3 version with the test framework, an exception might occur. In this case, the error message shows this message twice: Error while configuring test project


Application navigator

The content of Templates is not updated correctly after deleting/renaming objects.
Fix: The content of Templates is updated correctly after these actions.
Scenario for problem: If you delete or rename an object under Templates in the application navigator, the object remains like this after the action:

  • When deleting, the object is still visible.

  • When renaming, the renamed object and the original object are displayed.


Application navigator

The dialog to rename the program instance displays a wrong name.
Fix: The dialog to rename the program instance displays the correct name.
Scenario for problem: When trying to rename the program instance within the application navigator, the dialog displays a wrong name. Instead of the program instance name, the dialog displays the name of the PLC-object.
However, when entering a new name in the dialog, the program instance is correctly renamed.


building the application

It might not be possible to build the application, if a variable based on a structured data type is to the input of a FORCEMRK block.
Fix: It is possible to build the application for the following scenario.
Scenario for problem: If you assign a variable based on a structured data type to the input of a FORCEMRK block and you do not call the FORCEMRK block itself (see the following example), it is not possible to build the application and/or load it onto the PLC. These errors are displayed:

The application for the PLC (resource "name1", platform toolkit "name2") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information.
An error occurred during compiling or linking the code image (error code: 1).
PROGRAM Program1
i : MyStruct;
iFM.IN := i;
MyStruct : STRUCT
el1 : INT;



It might not be possible to use a named element from a namespace as an initial value.
Fix: It is possible to use the named element from a namespace as an initial value – according to the following scenario.
Scenario for problem: If an FBD-object uses a namespace (internally, a used namespace corresponds to a USING namespace directive from an ST code) and a named element is declared in this namespace, it is still not possible to use this named element as initial value for a variable. The FBD-editor highlights the named element as an invalid initial value. Example: TrafficLight#Green from the used namespace NS1



The information regarding the fully qualified names of function block instances might differ between the graphical and textual FBD-editor.
Fix: The information regarding the fully qualified names of function block instances are matching between the graphical and textual FBD-editor.
Scenario for problem: When a call of a function block (located outside of the current namespace) is inserted in the FBD-editor, logi.CAD 3 automatically inserts the namespace as used namespace in the graphical FBD-editor. This corresponds to the USING-directive in the textual FBD-editor. In the graphical FBD-editor, the column Namespace in the list with the variables displays the name of the used namespace for the function block instance. When you toggle the fully qualified name for the function block instance, logi.CAD 3 changes the used namespace to the fully qualified name by removing the USING-directive in the textual FBD-editor and using the fully qualified name as function block type. At the same time, the graphical FBD-editor displays the fully qualified name within the column Data type in the list with the variables (instead of the namespace name within the column Namespace). So far, the information in the graphical and textual FBD-editor are matching.
However, if you insert a new call of a function block from the namespace in the FBD-editor, the column Namespace in the graphical FBD-editor displays the name of the used namespace for both function block instance whereas the textual FBD-editor contains the USING-directive for one function block instance and the fully qualified name for the other function block type. In this case, the information in the graphical and textual FBD-editor are not matching.



The refactored data type is not updated in an opened FBD-editor.
Fix: The refactored data type is updated in an opened FBD-editor.
Scenario for problem: It is possible to refactor a data type by changing its name. Variables that are declared with this data type are correctly changed to the new name of the data type. However, when the refactoring is done while an FBD-editor is open, the display of this FBD-editor is not updated. This means that the list of the declared variables is still displaying the previous name of the data type for the variable.


Project explorer

The context menu for the last selected object is opened for the empty area of the project explorer.
Note: The logi.CAD 3 user documentation has been enhanced by a troubleshooting article describing the problem and the workaround.
Scenario for problem: If you select an object in the project explorer (e.g. a function block in a library) and then open the context menu for an empty area of the project explorer, this context menu contains the commands for the selected object instead of the commands for the project.


context menu

The menu key to open the context menu is only supported for some components of the IDE.
Fix: The menu key to open the context menu is also supported in the FBD-editor and in the Instances view.
Scenario for problem: The menu key on a computer keyboard is used to invoke the so-called context menu which contains a function selection relevant to the cursor position. This menu key is not supported in all components, e.g. in the FBD-editor and in the Instances view.



The IDE is terminated, if an LD-editor is closed with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+W.
Fix: Only the LD-editor is closed, if you press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+W when an LD-editor is opened.
Scenario for problem: If you close an opened LD-editor with the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+W, logi.CAD 3 will be closed in addition to the LD-editor. In this case a LOG-file is created in the installation folder of logi.CAD 3. The file contains a EXCEPTION_ACCESS_VIOLATION note.



Refactoring a data type might take longer than expected, if an affected FBD-editor is open.
Fix: The refactoring of a data type is now finished more quickly, if an affected FBD-editor is open.
Scenario for problem: It is possible to refactor a data type by changing its name. Variables that are declared with this data type are correctly changed to the new name of the data type. However, when the refactoring is done while an FBD-editor with several logic pages is open, it might take several minutes until the action is performed successfully. During this time logi.CAD 3 does not respond to user actions anymore.



An error message may contain UNTYPED instead of the concrete data type.
Fix: The error messages for the following scenario are indicating the incompatible type – instead of specifying the type UNTYPED.
Scenario for problem: If you connect a block with variables where a type conflict occurs, the error message informs about the concrete data type because of which the type conflict occurs. If you connect the inputs of e.g. the DIV block with variables of data type INT, but the output with a variable of data type TIME, the error messages contain the specification UNTYPED instead of the concrete data type.
The messages are per input/output:

Type conflict: The output with type INT cannot be assigned to the input with type UNTYPED.
Type conflict: The output with type UNTYPED cannot be assigned to the input with type TIME.

The same problem might occur for other blocks as well as well as when the block output is connected to a variable of a different data type, such as CHAR.


application navigator

A confusing message is displayed for a missing namespace of a language element.
Fix: The message has been corrected/simplified to The namespace of the language element "name1" does not match the namespace "name2" of the parent folder.
Scenario for problem: If you create a language element without a namespace in a namespace folder, this message is displayed: The namespace "<--->" of the language element does not match the identifier "name" of the parent namespace folder.
Additional information: The specification "<--->" indicates that no namespace has been entered for the language element. However, the namespace folder name is expected as the namespace.


application navigator

The dialog for "Assign Using..." does not contain all existing namespaces.
Fix: The dialog for Assign Using... contains all existing namespaces.
Scenario for problem: If you call the command Assign Using... for a namespace folder in the application navigator, a dialog opens to create a USING statement for the namespace folder. However, the dialog does not list any of the namespaces that were previously declared in an ST-object itself.


Building the application

The building of an application for a specific customer platform seems to fail.
Fix: The exception according to the following scenario is no longer caused when building the application. The HTML report for the Build Log view is generated.
Scenario for problem: When building the application under specific circumstances, an exception is caused which seems to prevent the building of the application. Nevertheless, all binary files are generated correctly while the HTML report for the Build Log view is not generated in fact. This missing generation is the cause of the exeception.
The circumstances for this problem are:

  1. The features are activated so that logi.CAD 3 can be used to create a safety-relevant application.

  2. A specific customer platform is used. This platform is using a special compiler.

You will notice the following messages in the error log, if the building of your applicatiion is affected by the exception:

File 'Path\file' does not exist
File 'Path\file' does not exist
Exception while dispatching event [topic=com/logicals/events/BinaryBuildEvent] {} to handler com.logicals.buildservice.buildreport.BuildReportBroker@4c73e29



Using a named value in a nested namespace is handled differently.
Fix: Using the named value from the nested namespace is now accepted for both specifications.
Scenario for problem: It is possible to use a named value in a nested namespace. The nesting is done either by specifying a fully qualified name or by repeatedly specifying the keywords NAMESPACE ... END_NAMESPACE for each namespace. For a named value in a nested namespace declared using the fully qualified name, that value is highlighted as faulty. However, the same value is accepted when it is used in a nested namespace that has been declared using the repeated specification keyword,

Namespace NS1
light : INT(red := 0); (* the data type with the named value *)
Namespace NS1
Namespace NS2 (* nested namespace that repeats the keywords *)
myType1 : int(e1 := light#red); (* the usage of the named value is OK; it is NOT highlighted as faulty *)
Namespace NS1.NS2 (* nested namespace with the full qualified name *)
myType2 : int(e2 := light#red); (* the usage of the named value is highlighted as faulty *)



The application cannot be built for an application with an initialized array of a function block with instance parameters.
Fix: The application can be built for the application according to the following scenario.
Scenario for problem: If you create and initialize a function block instance as an array while there are instance parameters defined for the function block and no C-code is generated for the variables (see the following example with the pragmas "{ instanceParam }" and "{ noCodeGeneration }"), it is not possible to build the application and load it on the PLC. However, the ST-code is not highlighted as faulty.

PROGRAM Program1
iFB01 : ARRAY [1..1] OF FB01 := [(Var1:=1)];
{ instanceParam } { noCodeGeneration }
Var1 : INT;

Additional information: Instance parameters are a part of instance data that are additional data elements for the function block. Usually, such instance data elements exist only for function blocks within a library provided by a system integrator. If you want to enter instance data elements for a block within the graphical user interface of logi.CAD 3, you require a logi.CAD 3 variant that has been enhanced by a system integrator.


Project explorer,
application navigator

Open and closed projects are displayed with the same icon.
Fix: Opened and closed projects are displayed with different icons.
Scenario for problem: Opened and closed projects are displayed with the same icon. In previous versions, different icons were displayed.


Test framework

A SiL-test with test coverage is not executed successfully when the system library "System" is missing.
Fix: A SiL-test with test coverage is possible although the system library System is missing.
Scenario for problem: If the system library System is not installed and a SiL-test with test coverage is executed, the following messages are displayed:

  • within the console displaying the progress and result of the test execution:

    [ ERROR ] An error occurred while processing Head: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'has_head_row_occurred'
  • within a dialog:

    Faulty source files. The application for the PLC (resource "testbed_SiL", platform toolkit "BuiltInPlcCoverage") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information.
  • within the error log:

    The SiL-test has been finished with errors. For more information check the Console view.
    Faulty source files. The application for the PLC (resource "testbed_SiL", platform toolkit "BuiltInPlcCoverage") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information.
    An unexpected error occurred: File <Install-path>\<project-name>\src-gen\lcdt___testinputdata<POU-name>.c is missing.
    An unexpected error occurred: File <Install-path>\<project-name>\src-gen\lcdt___testmetadata<POU-name>.c is missing.
    An unexpected error occurred: File <Install-path>\<project-name>\src-gen\lcdt___testoutputdata<POU-name>.c is missing.
    An unexpected error occurred: File <Install-path>\<project-name>\src-gen\lcpu___testbed_<POU-name>.c is missing.


TC6 XML import

The imported project contains an error that a function block instance is declared as BOOL variable by mistake.
Fix: The imported project contains the correct function block instance.
Scenario for problem: When importing a project from a TC6 XML file, the project contains a function block instance that is declared as a BOOL variable. However, the correct base type would be a function block type.



Saving a global-object with a named value as an initialization value for a global variable destroys the global object.
Fix: The problem does not occur anymore.
Scenario for problem: If you use a named value (or an expression with it) as an initialization value for a global variable in the global-variables-editor (for example, color#red or color#red + color#red), the global-object is destroyed when you save it. In this case, one of the following exceptions is displayed in a dialog:

  • Save failed. Could not serialize EnumValueRef: ...

  • Save failed. Could not serialize ConstBinaryExpression via backtracking: ...

Moreover, the Error Log view displays the following message: Save failed
If you close and reopen the global-variables-editor for the global-object, the object does not contain any variables anymore. This message is displayed for the global-object: File is empty. Please create the contents in the textual editor.

Known problems in logi.CAD 3 version 3.19.0



Known problem


Application navigator,

When several function blocks have been created in the same ST object, the command "Delete" in the application navigator deletes all function blocks in this ST object without any previous information.
Scenario for problem: It is possible to create several language elements, such as function blocks, in the same ST-object. When in the application navigator, you are selecting the command Delete for one of these language elements, all language elements in the ST-object are deleted because the entire ST-object is deleted. There is no information before the delete action that other elements will be affected by the delete action.
Additional information: The same problem occurs in case of a moving action. This means: If one element is moved, the other elements within the ST-object are moved as well.
Workaround: Before you delete an element, you might want to check whether there are other elements in the same object. If yes, rather delete the element in the ST-object (i.e. in the ST-editor).


Application navigator

The command "Go Into" in the application navigator does not behave as expected.
Scenario for problem: The command Go into should refocus the view to the currently selected folder. However, if the command is selected in the application navigator (for example, for the folder Project blocks), the view does not display the contents of only this folder, but all projects that are currently open will be displayed in that folder as well. This behavior in the application navigator is not as expected.
Workaround: none available


Migration wizard

The migration wizard does not export the POUs into the migrated project when logi.CAD 3 incl. the migration wizard is installed in a path with blanks.
Scenario for problem: When logi.CAD 3 incl. the migration wizard is installed in a path with blanks, the POUs are missing in the migrated logi.CAD 3 project. The migration wizard is not able to execute the required Perl tool.
Workaround: Install logi.CAD 3 incl. the migration wizard into a path without blanks. Start the migration anew.


List of declared variables,
Validate the application

A variable cannot be renamed, when it uses an illegal data type that is reported as a warning by the validation.
Scenario for problem: The validation for the application provides a rule to report the usage of illegal data types. When this rule is activated (the default severity of the rule is "WARNING"), there are warnings when there are variables with the data type REAL or LREAL. The list of the declared variables also displays a warning icon for the variables.
Now when you are trying to rename such variables, this renaming action is not successful because:

  1. The dialog for changing the variable provides a disabled button OK and an error icon is displayed.

  2. An error icon with the message Invalid variable name is displayed when trying to rename the variable in the column Name provided in the list of the declared variables.

Additional information: The moving of a value field containing the variable with the illegal data type (without saving the change) has the effect that the validation is reset. If keeping the unsaved state for 2 minutes (or longer), it might become possible to rename the variable, even if the list of the declared variables displays the warning icon. But it has also been observed that the renaming action could still not be executed.
Workaround: Deactivate the corresponding rule or change the data type of the variable so that a legal data type is used.


Headless tools

2 command line interfaces (also known as headless tools) return a misleading error.
Scenario for problem: When executing 2 headless tools, the error message An internal error occurred during "Building" is displayed – actually the message is displayed twice. However, the tool action completes with a success message and the action was actually executed as expected.
Additional information:

  • The problem occurs only in logilogi.CAD 3 variants with the test framework.

  • The messages are also displayed in the error log of logi.CAD 3 after logi.CAD 3 has been started after executing the tool action.

These headless tools are affected by the problem:

  • tool for automated builds of PLC applications

  • tool for automated rule checking (= automated model rule checker).

Workaround: none existing


Headless tools

The headless tool for the automated loading of an application onto the PLC reports an unlikely code image fingerprint.
Scenario for problem: When executing the tool for the automated loading of an application onto the PLC, messages inform about the code image fingerprint before and after loading. This fingerprint is specified with 00000000 for an application based on the ST-counter-template and for which the given ST-code has not been changed. This fingerprint is false.
Workaround: none existing



Resizable blocks with internal value fields behave unexpectedly.
Scenario for problem 1: If a block interface contains value fields (also identified as internal value fields) and the block is resizeable, warnings are reported for the block when it is called in the FBD-editor. In this case, the message Changed interface: Variable name is located on a different position/orientation than it is displayed in the call for name is displayed for each input with an internal value field. The warnings are still displayed after the block interface has been updated.
Scenario for problem 2: If you resize the block to its maximum size, the inputs without the internal value fields are placed on the wrong position. Subsequently, the input names might overlap. Updating of the resized block interface does not work – the block size is even reset to the default size.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator

When creating a new program instance in the application navigator, an exception might be caused.
Fix: The exception according to the following scenario is not caused anymore.
Scenario for problem: It is possible to create a new program instance in the application navigator by dragging and dropping the program type from the folder Project blocks onto the task below the configuration and resource. However, if there is a global variable in the PLC-object and this global variable uses an initial value consisting of an enum in a namespace, an operator and a literal (see the following example), the program instance will not be created because an exception occurs. In this case, the following message is displayed in the error log: Unhandled event loop exception

Example for global variable in the PLC-object
RESOURCE local ON BuiltInPlc { ON_CHANNEL := LocalChannel }
GVar1 : INT := NS1.Color#Red+3;
(* 'NS1' is the namespace, 'Color#Red' is the enum, '+3' is the operator and the literal. *)

Workaround: none existing



Using a workspace with umlauts and importing a project into the workspace spams the error log with exceptions.
Scenario for problem: The default path for a new workspace is a subfolder of the user folder for the operating system. If the user name contains umlauts or other special characters, the path for the workspace contains these umlauts or special characters as well. When importing a project into the workspace, several exceptions occur. In this case, the error log displays many messages FrameworkEvent ERROR
Workaround: Use a new workspace without umlauts or other special characters in its path.



Copying a global-object does not rename the contained GLOBALS section as expected.
Scenario for problem: When you copy an existing global-object, a dialog appears to enter a unique name. The new name is applied to the global-object itself but not to the GLOBALS section existing in the global-objects. Subsequently, an error is reported that the identifier is already declared. This message is only reported for the new global-object.
The graphical global-variables-editor (which is the default editor for a global-object) display the original name in the status bar. This editor provides no possibility to change the original name to the new name.
Workaround: Open the textual global-variable editor for the global-object and correct the original name to the new name.


Building the application,
Safe-convert functions

The application cannot be built and loaded onto the PLC, if safe-convert functions with safe data types are used.
Scenario for problem: If you use safe-convert functions in the application, for example the TO_SAFEBOOL block to convert a BOOL variable to a SAFEBOOL variable, the application cannot be built.
Additional information: The safe-convert functions and safe data types are included in the logi.CAD 3 version, but they are not yet ready for use in applications. Therefore do not use these blocks/data types in your application.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator

Objects can be dragged into a read-only folder.
Scenario for problem: It is not possible to create new objects/folders in a read-only folder within the application navigator. However, it is possible to drag existing objects into the read-only folder.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator

Objects can be deleted from a read-only folder.
Scenario for problem: It is not possible to create new objects/folders in a read-only folder within the application navigator. However, it is possible to delete existing objects from the read-only folder.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator,

Inserting a call of a block with the same name from another namespace via Drag&Drop is not possible.
Scenario for problem: It is not possible to insert the call of a block in the FBD-editor by dragging the block from the project explorer or application navigator, if this block has the same name as the current FBD-object but it is located in a different namespace.
Additional information: The same name can be used for different objects if they are declared in different namespaces.
Workaround: Insert the call by using the content assist in the FBD-editor.


TC6 XML import

The import of a TC6 XML file from a path with blanks is not successful.
Scenario for problem: Importing a project from a TC6 XML file fails, if the TC6 XML file is contained in a path with spaces or special characters.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator,

The application navigator displays unexpected sub-items for LD-objects.
Scenario for problem: When an LD-object is created, the application navigator displays this LD-object under the folder Project blocks. It is possible to expand the LD-object. In this case, an unexpected sub-item with the identifer 1 is displayed. Morover, 1 also contains sub-items with the identifier 2, 3 and 4. These displayed sub-elements are also not expected for an LD-object.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator,

An ST-interface is not displayed in the application navigator.
Scenario for problem: If an ST-interface (object with extension .iecif is created in the application navigator, the object is created (as it is obvious in the project explorer) but it is not displayed in the application navigator.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator,

The application navigator allows you to create a global-object in the Project blocks folder. However, these objects are not displayed there.
Scenario for problem: In the application navigator, it is possible to create a global-object in the Project blocks folder. However, the global-object is not displayed there. Only when switching to the project explorer, it becomes evident that the global-object was created in the corresponding project folder.
Workaround: Create the global-objects in the Global variables folder in the application navigator. The global-objects are displayed in this folder.


Application navigator,

The application navigator allows to unexpectedly drag the PLC-object or its sub-elements into another folder.
Scenario for problem: In the application navigator, it is possible to drag the PLC-object or its sub-elements into another folder. This moving action has no visible impact on the application navigator. Only when switching to the project explorer, it becomes obvious that the PLC-object has been moved from its original position to the corresponding project folder. However, the user expectation is that it is not possible to move the PLC-object or its sub-elements in the application navigator.
Workaround: none existing


Application navigator

Copying/pasting of an object by dragging and dropping does not work as expected.
Scenario for problem: You can copy and paste objects by holding the Ctrl-key while dragging the objects from the original location to the new location within the application navigator. At the new location, you must release the Ctrl-key. This copying and pasting is done by dragging and dropping. As there is already an object with the original name and in order to avoid a name conflict, a dialog is displayed to enter a unique name. Even when entering a new name for the copy, the copied object is still using the original name. As a consequence, errors are displayed that the identifier is already declared.
Workaround: Rename the copied object by the context menu command Rename.



The data type of a global variable cannot be changed to an illegal data type, if this data type would be reported as a warning by the validation.
Scenario for problem: The validation for the application provides a rule to report the usage of illegal data types. When this rule is activated (the default severity of the rule is "WARNING"), there are warnings when there are variables with the data type REAL or LREAL.
Subsequently, it is not possible in the global-variables-editor to create global variables that are based on one of these data types. An error icon with the message Invalid data type is displayed when you are trying to change the data type.


  1. Create a global variable with an allowed data type, for example INT.

  2. Save the change and close the global-variables-editor.

  3. Open the textual editor and correct the data type from INT to the appropriate data type, e.g. REAL.

  4. Save the change and close the textual editor.

  5. Open the global-variables-editor.
    Result: The variable is correctly displayed with a warning icon because it is declared with an illegal data type.


TC6 XML import

An exception is caused when importing a TC6 XML file.
Scenario for problem: A project is imported from a TC6 XML file but this import causes an exception. The error log displays this message: Element Project-name does not exist
Workaround: none existing

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