Application navigator as an alternative to the project explorer

The Application Navigator →view (alias just "application navigator") is an alternative to the project explorer of logi.CAD 3. The application navigator provides a different view onto the →projects, →folders and →objects. Use the application navigator as you use the project explorer to create projects, folders, objects and to open them for editing.

A typical application navigator looks as follows:


The application navigator is visible, if you open the →perspective Application Creating (Application Navigator).
If the application navigator is not visible in your logi.CAD 3, you can add it to the current perspective: Select WindowShow ViewOtherOther...Application Navigator.

Components of application navigator

Resources in application navigator

The application navigator displays the resources similar to the project explorer. The following table is only listing the different resources.

Icon of resource

Name of resource





Difference to the project explorer

The application navigator does not display PLC-objects (with icon images/download/thumbnails/409862718/IconPLC-version-1-modificationdate-1531214773884-api-v22.png ) that you might know from the project explorer.
Instead, configuration, resource, task and instance from a PLC-object are displayed without the level of the PLC-object. The advantage is that you are able to manipulate these elements directly within the application navigator (e.g. renaming the configuration) without having to open the PLC-object.



IEC-resource; see →resource






instance of the →program


folder name

a namespace folder
See "Turning a folder into a namespace folder" for i nformation on creating a namespace folder .


folder name

a USING instruction (usually included below a namespace folder)
See "Assigning USING for accessing a different namespace folder" for information on creating a namespace folder.

The following resources already exist within the application navigator after you have created a project:

Resource (with icon)



Globale variables

folder with global-objects from the project, if they are located under the folder globals
The best practice is to create new global-objects below Global variables so that the global variables are created in the folder globals and the global variables in these global objects are displayed in a structured way.



folder with →libraries


Project blocks

folder with →POUs, →interfaces and →data types from the project, if they are located under the folder src

Difference to the project explorer

  • The application navigator does not display ST-objects (with icon images/download/thumbnails/409862706/IconST-version-1-modificationdate-1531214719389-api-v22.png ), FBD-objects (with icon images/download/thumbnails/409862713/IconFBD-version-1-modificationdate-1531214751433-api-v22.gif ) and LD-objects (with icon images/download/thumbnails/460423505/IconLD-version-1-modificationdate-1615279875976-api-v22.png ) that you might know from the project explorer.
    Instead, the folders Libraries, Project blocks and Variants contain the elements from these objects but without the level of the object itself. The advantage is that you are able to manipulate these elements directly within the folders Project blocks and Variants (e.g. renaming a POU) without having to expand or open the object.

  • If the object is declared in a namespace and this object is not located in a namespace folder, the application navigator displays a namespace behind the name of the object in (). Example: The item Motor1 (myPOUs)indicates that the object Motor1 is declared within the namespace myPOUs.



folder with local variants, if they are located under the folder src



folder with templates, if they are located under the folder templates
Usually, templates are objects for the application (e.g. ST-/FBD-objects) that are not mature enough. The a dditional decorator images/download/thumbnails/493881139/Template-version-1-modificationdate-1658322578780-api-v2.png behind the object name informs that the object is a template.

The purpose of the templates

logi.CAD 3 does not check the content of template and does not report any errors/problems for them (in the Problems view ) . The advantage is that you can prepare some content – without being "disturbed" by reported errors/problems.
Restriction: You cannot use objects in these templates (e.g. an ST function block) in the application. If you try to do so anyway, the usage will be reported as an error in the Problems view.

If logi.CAD 3 should not check an object: Drag the resource from the respective folder within the application folder into the default folder Templates of the project.
Alternative: Open the context menu of the object and select the command Move to "Templates" . In this case, the current folder structure of the object is considered. Example : If you move an object from Project blocks \Motor01\ by using the command, Templates will contain the object in its sub-folder src\Motor01\ – Reason: Project blocks corresponds to the folder src of the project.

If you want to use the object in the application, drag the resource from the Templates folder of the project to another folder.
Alternative: Open the context menu of the object under Templates and select the command Move from "Templates" . In this case, the current folder structure of the object is considered. Example : If you move an object from Templates \src\Ready\Motor02\ by using the command, Project blocks will contain the object in its sub-folder Ready\Motor02\ – Reason: Project blocks corresponds to the folder src of the project.
Result: logi.CAD 3 checks the content of this resource. If errors/warnings are reported, fix them accordingly so that you can use the object in the application without errors or warnings.

See "Moving resources" how to drag an object from the original location to the new location .


Sources for configurationand
Sources for resource

folder with POUs, interfaces and data types from the project, if they are located under the folder src\configuration-name and src\configuration-name\resource-name respectively


Configuration-Global Variablesand
Resource-Global Variables

→global variables that are declared within a configuration or resource or within a global-object (in case of the required reference to the GLOBALS section)

Details: see "Declaring global variables for resource or configuration and using them" a nd "Creating global variables for the application within the global-variables-editor"

Context menu for application navigator

Right-clicking inside the application navigator opens a context menu. This context menu allows you to perform actions, such as copying, moving, creating resources. See "Actions in application navigator" for details.

Toolbar for application navigator

The application navigator also provides a toolbar with buttons to speed up your work in the application navigator. See "Project explorer to manage project" for these possibilities.

Actions in application navigator

The application navigator provides actions to create, copy, move resources that are also provided in the project explorer. See " Actions with projects/resources ".

Enhancements for the application navigator

  • If you want to open an object with the →instance context from within the application navigator, use the command Open Instance that is provided in the context menu of the object.

  • If you want to build the application from within the application navigator, use the command Build Application that is provided in the context menu of a configuration or resource. See "Loading the built application onto PLC" for details on the building of an application.

More notes/restrictions