Modifying, creating, deleting objects in the team project

After the project has been imported from the team server, you are able to start the work within the project. Follow the below instructions.

images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/information.svg If you prefer to use the keyboard shortcuts (instead of the context menu commands that are mentioned in the following), see "Keyboard shortcuts" for the appropriate list.

Uploading local changes to the team server

  1. Make the Team-Monitor view visible to see the team status. Best practice is to move the view into e.g. the editor area so that the entire content will be visible.

  2. Select the imported team project under Select project.

  3. Recommended: Update the local status of your project by downloading the most current status from the team server: open the context menu for the list under Changed on master and select the command Download changes from server.

  4. If you want to modify or delete the existing objects, continue with step 5 at once.
    If you require a new object within the project: Create the new object within the project. Subsequently, the object is listed within the Team Monitor view, in particular the list under Resource. Continue with step 5.

  5. Lock the appropriate objects: Open the context menu for one or several objects within the project explorer and select the command Lock selected files.
    Result: The objects are listed within the Team Monitor view, in particular the list under Locked by me.

  6. If you want to modify existing objects: Open the objects to modify them. images/s/b2ic8e/9012/1ca6q62/_/images/icons/emoticons/lightbulb_on.svg Tip: Double-click an object displayed within the Team Monitor view, in particular the list under Locked by me. Afterwards modify the object and save the changed object (as usual).
    If you want to delete existing objects: Delete the object within the project explorer (as usual).
    Result: The objects are listed within the Team Monitor view, in particular the list under Resource. The column Kind indicates whether the object has been changed, created or deleted.

  7. Upload your local changes to the team server: Select the appropriate object or objects within the Team Monitor view, in particular the list under Resources. Open the context menu and select the command Upload changes to server. In the dialog, enter a meaningful comment and click OK.
    Result: The objects are not listed under Resource any longer because the changes have been uploaded. But they are listed under Locked by me.

  8. If you want to wrap up your work for the objects, release the locks of the objects: Open the context menu for one or several objects within the project explorer and select the command Unlock selected files. – Other team members will be able to lock the objects themselves.
    If you want to continue your work for the objects, start with step 6 of this instruction. Of course, it is possible to create new objects within the project and lock them as well (as described within this instruction).

  9. Recommended: Update the local status of your project – see step 3.

Discarding local changes to restore the status on the team server

It is possible that you do not want to upload your local changes to the team server (see step 7 of the previous instructions) but that you want to restore the status of the object as provided on the team server. In this case, proceed as follows for an already locked object:

Select the appropriate object or objects within the Team Monitor view, in particular the list under Resources. Open the context menu and select the command Discard changes. Click Yes when the prompt appears.
Result: The objects are not listed under Resource any longer because there are no local changes any longer. But they are still listed under Locked by me – as long as you do not unlock the objects.

Refreshing the view of objects

How to refresh the view of →resources within the Team Monitor view:

From the context menu of the corrsponding elements (e.g. the list under Locked by others), select Refresh.