Undoing or redoing changes in ST-editor

How to undo the most recent edit action in the ST-editor:

  1. In menu Edit or from the context menu of the ST-editor, select Undo.

  2. Repeat the last step as often as you need to reverse editing actions.

How to redo the most recent undone edit action in the ST-editor:

  1. In menu Edit, select Redo.

  2. Repeat the last step as often as you need to re-apply editing actions that have been reversed by Undo.

How to replace the contents of the active ST-editor with the previously saved contents:

  1. In menu File, select Revert. Alternative: From the context menu of the ST-editor, select Revert File.
    You cannot undo the Revert action!


  1. Replace the content with a state from the local history.