No connection to Raspberry Pi from the development environment

This article gives you some clues how to proceed when it is not possible to connect to the →Raspberry Pi from within Neuron Power Engineer.

Symptoms: Example for representation

Possible causes


  • The SD card inserted into the Raspberry Pi does not meet the requirements.

  • The required additional equipment (e.g. the →PiFace) is not connected correctly to the Raspberry Pi.

  • The Raspberry Pi is not connected to the network.

  • The Raspberry Pi is not connected to the power supply.

  1. Make sure that the SD card meets the requirements as listed under "Hardware and software required for Raspberry Pi tutorial".

  2. Assemble the Raspberry Pi as described under "Assembling Raspberry Pi and detecting IP-address".
    Mind to first plug the network cable in and only then the power cable.

  3. Configure the Raspberry Pi as described under "Configuring Raspberry Pi".

  • Neuron RTS max is not installed and started on the Raspberry Pi.

  • Neuron RTS max is installed and started on the Raspberry Pi, but the installed version differs from the one required by Neuron Power Engineer.

Install and start Neuron RTS max on the Raspberry Pi as described under "Installing and starting the runtime system on Raspberry Pi" but the version that is required by Neuron Power Engineer. The article "Release notes for version" contains information on the required version of Neuron RTS max.

No license for Neuron RTS max has been installed on the Raspberry Pi.

Install a license on the Raspberry Pi as described under "Installing and starting the runtime system on Raspberry Pi".

Alternative: Start the Raspberry Pi again so that Neuron RTS max is re-started. This makes it possible to operate Neuron RTS max as demo version – as a full version for 3 hours after starting Neuron RTS max. Instructions how to start the Raspberry Pi are specified under "Installing and starting the runtime system on Raspberry Pi".

A wrong IP-address has been entered for the Raspberry Pi within the PLC-object.

Enter the correct IP-address of the Raspberry Pi within the PLC-object as described under "Loading application onto Raspberry Pi".

You might have to load the application onto the Raspberry Pi after the above listed solutions: In the Instances view, select the item for the Raspberry Pi. If necessary, first click  and then