Elements and messages in German language after start

If you have already used Neuron Power Engineer and then you have changed the language (e.g. to English), it is likely that the restarted Neuron Power Engineer is displaying elements (e.g. →views) and messages in Problems view still in the old language (e.g. in German).
Reason: Neuron Power Engineer is using metadata already existing in the workspace. The metadata were created in the last session in Neuron Power Engineer – hence, before the language has been changed.

Workaround, if you want to see the messages in the activated language

  1. Open all faulty objects, e.g. by navigating to them from the Problems view.

  2. For each faulty object: Make a small change and delete this change again. Do not undo the change because then you will not be able to save the object.

  3. Save all opened objects.
    Result: This updates the metadata and has the appropriate messages displayed in the new language (e.g. in German).

Workaround, if you want to see the elements/messages in the activated language

Start as right after installation - without any of your actions

This workaround might not always be suitable because you delete all existing metadata in the workspace. When Neuron Power Engineer is restarted after this workaround, Neuron Power Engineer does not remember your actions regarding the layout/configuration of Neuron Power Engineer any more, for instance which →projects have been displayed in the project explorer, which additional →views have been displayed.

  1. Go to the folder of the workspace that you have selected when you started Neuron Power Engineer.

  2. Delete this sub-folder in it: .metadata

  3. RestartNeuron Power Engineer.