Tasks view for reminders

The Tasks →view displays tasks created by you. Use tasks as reminders, e.g. for where there is unfinished ST-code or other to-do items.

If the Tasks view is not visible, you can add it to the current →perspective: Select Window – Show View – Other – General – Tasks.

In this article:

Components of Tasks

Columns in view

The following columns are visible within Tasks:

  • The first column  (Completion) indicates whether the task is completed () or not ().

  • The second column  (Priority) indicates whether the task is of high (), normal (no icon) or low priority ().

  • Column Description displays the description of the tasks.

  • Columns Resource and Path provide the name and location of the object containing the associated task. These columns are empty for unassociated tasks.

  • Column Location indicates the line number within the associated object.

If you need more information about the tasks, you can have other columns shown in the Tasks view:

  1. Click  in toolbar of Tasks and select Configure Columns...

  2. In the dialog, show the hidden columns.

Associated vs. unassociated tasks

  •  Associated tasks are associated with a specific location in a resource. Use associated tasks to navigate to the appropriate code.

  •  Unassociated tasks are not associated with any specific resource. Create unassociated tasks to record general reminders to follow up on something later.

Context menu and toolbar for view

Right-clicking inside the view opens a context menu. Moreover, the view provides a toolbar with buttons. The context menu as well as the buttons allows you to perform actions. See the following section for a list of possible actions.

Actions for Tasks

  • Double-click the associated task or select Go to from the context menu of that task.
    Result: The object opens within the editor and the line containing the task is selected to easily spot it.

Creating unassociated task

  1. Select Add Task... from the context menu.

  2. In the dialog, enter a brief description, select a priority (e.g. High) and click OK.
    Result: The unassociated task appears in the Tasks view.

See "Adding tasks, using and removing them", if you want to create an associated task.

Marking tasks as being completed

  • Click on  in column Completion of the task or select Mark Completed from the context menu of that task.

How to reset the completion mark:

  • Click on  in column Completion of the completed task or open the task details and uncheck Completed.

Deleting all completed tasks

  • Select Delete Completed Tasks from the context menu.
    Result: All completed tasks are removed from Tasks view. Moreover for associated tasks, the task icon  disappears from the border left of the code within the editor.

See "Adding tasks, using and removing them", if you want to remove a task directly within the editor.

Changing description of the tasks

  • Click onto the task (in column Description), enter the new description for the task and press the Enter-key.

Sorting tasks

Tasks can be sorted by CompletionPriorityDescriptionResourcePath or Location in ascending or descending order:

  1. Click the column header that you want the sorting to be based on.
    Result:  in the column header indicates the descending order,  indicates the ascending order.

  2. If you need to activate the other order type: Click on the column header again.


  1. Click  in toolbar of Tasks, select Sort by and one of the provided commands.

  2. If you need to activate the other order type: Click  in toolbar of Tasks, select Sort by and Ascending.

Grouping tasks

Tasks can be grouped by Type or not at all:

  • Click  in toolbar of Tasks, select Group By and one of the provided commands.

Configuring/filtering the contents

You can filter the contents of Tasks to view only tasks with text TODO (additional filter condition: The tasks are included in the resource that is selected in the project explorer.):

  • Click  in toolbar of Tasks, select Show and TODOs.

You can filter the contents of Tasks to view only tasks associated with a particular scope, completion, priority, description or type as well:

  1. Click  in toolbar of Tasks and select Configure Contents...

  2. In the dialog, add multiple filters and enable or disable them as required.
    Filters can either be additive (any task will be shown, if it satisfies at least one of the enabled filters will be shown) or exclusive (only tasks will be shown, if they satisfy all of the enabled filters).

How to view all tasks again:

  • Click  in toolbar of Tasks, select Show and Show All.

Viewing task details

  1. Select Properties from the context menu of the task.

  2. In the dialog, view the full details of the task (e.g. description, priority, completion). You may also edit some of the details.

Standard actions: copying, deleting, selecting all

The Tasks view provides you with the following standard actions:

  • Copying the selected tasks to the clipboard: Select Copy from the context menu of the task.

  • Deleting the selected tasks: Select Delete from the context menu of the task.

  • Selecting all of the content: Select Select All from the context menu.