Requesting and installing license

This tutorial informs you how to request and install a license.

License for Neuron Power Engineer

When starting Neuron Power Engineer you have to accept the license agreement. Moreover, certain features of Neuron Power Engineer (e.g. the FBD-editor) need a →CodeMeter licensing.

The following licensing types are provided:




The CmDongle is a hardware based copy protection. A CmDongle must be attached to the USB port of a computer.


The CmActLicense is a software based activation where a license must be activated on a computer.

Both types are available as local license as well as network license. Meaning:

  • A local license allows the usage of Neuron Power Engineer on one computer.

  • A network license allows the usage of Neuron Power Engineer on several computers.


Setting the computer up

After you have received your requested type of licensing and downloaded the CodeMeter-Runtime, you have to set the computer up for the usage of Neuron Power Engineer:

Local license

How to prepare the computer where Neuron Power Engineer will be used:

  1. Install the CodeMeter-Runtime by double-clicking the downloaded file (e.g. CodeMeterRuntime64.exe). Follow the instructions of the installation program.

  2. Attach the CmDongle to the USB port.
    In case of CmActLicense, activate the license as described under "How do I activate licenses for the development environment?".

Now you are able to start und use Neuron Power Engineer.

Network license

How to prepare the computers:

  1. All computers with Neuron Power Engineer (= the computers where Neuron Power Engineer should run on): Install the CodeMeter-Runtime by double-clicking the downloaded file (e.g. CodeMeterRuntime64.exe). Follow the instructions of the installation program.

  2. The license server (= the computer where the licensing for Neuron Power Engineer is provided): Install the CodeMeter-Runtime there as well. Then attach the CmDongle to the USB port. In case of CmActLicense, activate the license as described under "How do I activate licenses for the development environment?".

  3. Make sure that all computers with Neuron Power Engineer are able to access the license server via the network.

  4. Configure the license server:

    1. Open the CodeMeter Control Center, e.g. by clicking icon that is visible on the Windows-taskbar after the installation of CodeMeter-Runtime.

    2. In tab Hardware, click button WebAdmin in order to open the "CodeMeter Admin"-pages in the Web browser.

    3. In the Web browser: Point to the menu Configuration and to Server. Then select Server Access. Under Network Server, check the option Enable and click Apply.

    4. Close the CodeMeter Control Center.

  5. Recommended for each computer with Neuron Power Engineer: Enter the IP-address of the license server in the server search list for the computer with Neuron Power Engineer.
    Reason: Such entries increase the performance within the network because the license requests are directed to this license server. Observe that only this license server will be contacted – i.e., if no license is found on this license server, the search for a license within the network is not continued.

    1. Open the CodeMeter Control Center again, but on the computer with Neuron Power Engineer.

    2. In tab Hardware, click button WebAdmin.

    3. In the Web browser: Point to menu Configuration and to Basic. Then select Server Search List. Click add new Server and enter the IP-address of the license server. Afterwards click Add and Apply.

    4. Close the CodeMeter Control Center.

Now you are able to start und use Neuron Power Engineer on the computers.

Additional information

The user help for CodeMeter contains a considerable number of information that supports you in the daily use of a CodeMeter. How to open this user help: 

  1. Open the CodeMeter Control Center.

  2. Select the menu Help and then the command Help.

License for the runtime system

Without activated license, you can operate the runtime system as demo version only – as a full version for 3 hours after starting the runtime system. For a longer operation, it is recommended that you request and install a license.

If the application runs on a PLC with a runtime system version without license, the Instances view displays the execution state Demo mode instead of Running. This informs that a runtime system version without activated license is currently used.

The installation steps for the license of the →runtime system depend on the used →PLC (see the following description). If there is no description included for your used PLC and you require a license for the runtime system, contact the support team of Neuron.

Requesting/Installing license for built-in PLC

The built-in PLC does not need a license.

Requesting/Installing license for Windows-PC or Linux based systems

This procedure applies, if you have installed the runtime system by using the installation package on any Windows-PC or any Linux based systems.

  1. Create an e-mail to license@logicals.comNeuron.

  2. Enter the following data (as text) and send the mail.

    Name of company:
    Target platform: Windows NT/X86, Linux/X86 (Delete the target platform that is not needed. Or enter the appropriate specifications.)
    Features: (Add a "x" for each requested feature.)
      [x] RTS
      [ ] MODBUS 
      [ ] OPC UA

You will get a license file license or logirts.lic from Neuron (see FAQ-article "Which features are provided for the runtime system", if you need information on the features). 
You will also get the →CodeMeter licensing "CmDongle" .

  1. If the runtime system is started – i.e., a runtime system window is open: Exit (terminate) the runtime system.

  2. Go to the folder where you installed the runtime system and copy the license file license or logirts.lic into this folder. 

  3. If you are using a Windows-PC or a Linux X86 based system, the additional usage of the CmDongles is required. In this case, configure the computer with the runtime system as follows:

    1. Download the necessary →CodeMeter-Runtime for the appropriate operating system from this website:

    2. Install this CodeMeter-Runtime on the computer.

    3. Attach the CmDongle to the USB port.

  4. Restart the runtime system.

Requesting/Installing license for Controllino or Arduino Nano

If you are using a Controllino or an Arduino Nano as target system, you do not need to install a license for the runtime system on it. Instructions on how to put a Controllino or Arduino Nano into operation can be found in the tutorial "Putting Controllino or Arduino Nano into operation".

Requesting/Installing license for Raspberry Pi

If you are using a Raspberry Pi as target system, best practice is to reproduce the tutorial "Putting Raspberry Pi into operation". Instructions on how to install the license on a Raspberry Pi can be found in the article "Installing and starting the runtime system on Raspberry Pi".