Quickly going to an element in ST-code

How to quickly go to a declared element (e.g. →variable→function block) in the ST-editor:

  1. In menu Navigate, select Open Model Element. Alternative:  Press the keyboard shortcut Ctrl+Shift+F3.

  2. In the dialog, enter a part of the element name within the first field. The wildcards * for any set of characters and ? for exactly one character are possible 
    Result: The list within the dialog is filtered and just displays the matches. Example: Var* displays all declared elements of which the name starts with Var.

  3. Double-click a match within the list.
    Result: The object opens within the editor. The element within the object is selected to easily spot it.

The list within the dialog is showing the type of the elements after the name. If you want to filter the list according to this type, enter a part of the type name within the second field – either in addition to the input within the first field or instead of it. Example: *var* displays all declared variables.
Before filtering the list according to type, best practice is to check within the started dialog which types are displayed by Neuron Power Engineer. Only then filter the list according to one of these type.

If you want to put the cursor at the location of the most recent edit: In menu Navigate, select command Last Edit Location. If necessary, an →editor will be opened.

In order to quickly navigate between several errors within the editor, you can use the keyboard shortcuts Ctr+. and Ctrl+, to go to next or previous error. In an active editor with errors, you can also use the commands Next Annotation and Previous Annotation provided in the menu Navigate or in the context menu below Navigate.