Quick outline for navigation

The quick outline displays the structure of the ST-code for the currently active editor – this is similar to the Outline view but the quick outline is displayed on top of the currently active editor. You can easily control the quick outline by using the keyboard in order to navigate to an element in the editor.

How to open the quick outline:

From the context menu of the ST-editor, select Quick Outline.

How to use the quick outline:

  • Enter a text in the quick outline to filter the outline.

  • Press the cursor movement keys ↑ (Up) or ↓ (Down) to navigate through the quick outline.

  • Press the Enter-key to navigate to the selected element in the editor and to highlight it. Alternative: Point to the element and click.

  • Click  in the upper right corner of the quick outline to open a menu with commands for the quick outline. These commands make it possible for you to change position/size of the quick outline and that Neuron Power Engineer remembers these changes.