Project explorer to manage project

The Project Explorer →view (alias just "project explorer") provides a hierarchical view onto the →resources in Neuron Power Engineer, that are the →project, its →folders and →objects. From there, you can create objects, open them for editing etc.

A typical project explorer looks as follows:

The project explorer is visible, if you start Neuron Power Engineer for the first time or open the →perspective Application Creating (Project Explorer).
If the project explorer is not visible in your Neuron Power Engineer, you can add it to the current perspective: Select Window – Show View – Project Explorer.  

(info) An alternative view onto the project and its folders/objects is the application navigator.

In this article:

Components of project explorer

Resources in project explorer

The following →resources might appear in the project explorer (an extract): 

Icon of resource

Name of resource



→project that is opened in Neuron Power Engineer


project that is closed in Neuron Power Engineer


→folder (expanded or collapsed)


→linked folder (expanded or collapsed)


→library with library elements (e.g. POUs, data types)
Valid for libraries and their library elements:

Do not manipulate the folder and its contents! If you do nevertheless, Neuron Power Engineer does not find the library or the blocks any longer.



ST-object (object with ST-code for your application in STor ST-interface (object with the interface for your application in C)
By default, such an object is opened and edited in the ST-editor. The ST-object program is provided within projects, if they have been created by using a project template. You can create multiple objects in a project. See "Creating new objects and folders" on how to create objects.

If there are already declarations in the object, these declarations are visible as sub-levels of the object. The icon identifies the declaration type: = →program, = →function block= class, = →function = →interface = →namespace→method

Additional decorators (such as or ) within the icons inform about the appropriate state of the object (e.g. that it is faulty or that it is a local variant). This list does not specify more of such decorators.


FBD-object (object with FBD-code or logic)
By default, an FBD-object is opened and edited in the FBD-editor. You can create multiple FBD-objects in a project. See "Creating new objects and folders" on how to create objects.

The icon displayed for the sub-level of the FBD-object identifies the declaration type of the →POU:   = program, = function block, = function
If the POU is declared within a →namespace, the fully qualified name of the POU is displayed as name within the sub-level. A fully qualified name consists of a sequence of namespace identifiers separated by . (dots). The identifier of the POU concludes the fully qualified name.

Additional decorators (such as or ) within the icons and for the names of the resources respectively inform about the appropriate state of the object (e.g. that it is faulty or that it is a local variant). This list does not specify more of such decorators.


LD-object (object with ladder diagram)
By default, an LD-object is opened and edited in the LD-editor. You can create multiple LD-objects in a project. See "Creating new objects and folders" on how to create objects.

The icon displayed for the sub-level of the LD-object identifies the declaration type of the →POU:   = program, = function block, = function

Additional decorators (such as or ) within the icons and for the names of the resources respectively inform about the appropriate state of the object (e.g. that it is faulty or that it is a local variant). This list does not specify more of such decorators.


device object (object for the device configuration

By default, a device object is opened and edited in the editor for the device object. You can create multiple device objects in a project. See "Creating new objects and folders" on how to create objects.


global-object (object for the central declaration of global variables)
By default, a global-object is opened and edited in the global-variables-editor. You can create multiple global-objects in a project. See "Creating new objects and folders" on how to create objects.


PLC-object (object with information on PLC, available as ST-code)

Multiple PLC-objects can be provided within a project, such as the PLC-object local. By default, a PLC-object is opened and edited in the editor for a PLC-object. Details: see "PLC-specifications within editor for PLC-object".

The icon displayed for the sub-level of the PLC-object identifies the →resource declared within the PLC-object.


→library configuration (object to create →libraries)
You can create multiple library configurations in a project. See "Creating custom library with user blocks" for information on creating libraries.
By default, a library configuration is opened and edited in the editor for a library configuration. See "Creating library configuration", if you need details on a library configuration.

The icon displayed for the sub-level of the library configuration identifies the libraries declared within the library configuration.


VarCfg-object (object for the central declaration of a VAR_CONFIG section)

You can create multiple VarCfg-object in a project. See "Creating new objects and folders" on how to create objects.
By default, a VarCfg-object is opened and edited in the ST-editor. Details: see "Declaring VAR_CONFIG section within a VarCfg-object".


generic object



file with C-code or header file for C-code (in the folder src-gen and target)

Please observe:

  • By default, these folders are not displayed within the project explorer. However, if you have configured your project explorer in a way that these folders are displayed, do not modify/delete the included files! Reason: Neuron Power Engineer automatically updates these files when you save the code or the logic. If you are creating application in C or C++, the display/update behavior for those C-/C++-files is different.

  • Do not store your own files in the folders src-gen and target. These folders incl. the complete content might be deleted by Neuron Power Engineer e.g. when the project is cleaned.

(info) Files not created in Neuron Power Engineer are displayed with the same icon as it is displayed in a folder of the operating system. Example: PDF-files or Microsoft Office files


The following resources exist within a project after you have created it:

Resource (with icon)



the created project

Standard (safe)and/or

Standard (non-safe)

library with the system blocks based on the IEC-standard (e.g. the AND block)
The library is provided in projects that have been created by using a project template. 


folder for filing objects with code or logic


ST-object with ST-code, if the project has been created based e.g. on the sample project Counter (ST)


FBD-object with a FBD-program, if the project has been created based e.g. on the sample project Counter (FBD) that is not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer


PLC-object: local →target system

This object is provided in the project template Neuron Power Engineer Project or a Neuron Power Engineer Sample Project for Built-In PLC.


PLC-object: remote target system

This object is provided in the project template Neuron Power Engineer Project.

Depending on the used project template, the project might contain additional resources, such as: 

Resource (with icon)



library with the Arduino functions
The library is provided in projects that have been created by using a project template for a Controllino or an Arduino Nano (e.g. Moving Light for Controllino MINI). 

Controllino MINI, Controllino MAXI, Controllino MEGA or Controllino MAXI Automation

library with Controllino data types
These libraries are provided in projects that have been created by using a project template for a Controllino (e.g. Moving Light for Controllino MINI). 


library with more system blocks of Neuron, e.g. the blocks for target system diagnostics
The library is provided in projects that have been created by using a project template. Different sub-folders are provided depending on the used project template.









A PLC-object is intended for testing/operating the application on the corresponding PLC and is provided in the projects that have been created by using an appropraite project template. 


PLC: →Arduino Nano 3

project template: Neuron Power Engineer Project for Arduino Nano V3

controllinoMini,controllinoMaxi,controllinoMega or controllinoMaxiAutomation

PLC: a →Controllino

Example for project template: Moving Light for Controllino MINI


PLC: →Revolution Pi

project template: Neuron Power Engineer  Project for Revolution Pi


PLC: →phyBOARD-Regor

project template: Neuron Power Engineer  Project for phyBOARD-Regor


PLC: →phyBOARD-Wega

project template: Neuron Power Engineer Project for phyBOARD-Wega


PLC: →Raspberry Pi

project template: Neuron Power Engineer Project for Raspberry Pi

Context menu for project explorer

Right-clicking inside the project explorer opens a context menu. This context menu allows you to perform actions, such as copying, moving, creating resources. See "Actions in project explorer" for a list of possible actions.

Toolbar for project explorer

The project explorer also provides a toolbar with buttons to speed up your work in the project explorer:


Action performed when clicking the button

Collapse All

collapsing all in the project explorer 

Link with Editor

toggling whether the selection in project explorer is linked to the active →editor or not
If this button is selected, changing the active editor updates the selection to the object being edited. This is useful, when you have multiple objects open for editing and you want the project explorer to show the object currently being edited.

See troubleshooting article "Changing the active editor does not update the selection within the project explorer", if the button does not always work.

View Menu

opening a menu of commands to sort or filter the contents of the project explorer as well as to select/deselect/edit a working set

Actions in project explorer

See "Actions with projects/resources".

If you want to speed up actions within Neuron Power Engineer, see "Keyboard shortcuts" whether a shortcut is provided for the action and your operating system.