
Neuron Power Engineer provides the →perspectives aimed at accomplishing your appropriate task faster:



Application Creating (Project Explorer)
Application Creating (Application Navigator)

creating your application – e.g. creating your application within the ST-editor
These perspectives contain one of the views with projects and resourcen – either the Project Explorer view or the Application Navigator view. Moreover, the Instances, Error Log and Problems views are included.
By default, the perspective Application Creating (Project Explorer) is opened within Neuron Power Engineer.

Application Testing

testing your application
This perspective contains the Instances and Values of Variables views that are relevant for testing the application.


debugging your application
This perspective contains different views, such as the Variables and Breakpoints views.

Other perspectives that are not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer:




creating your application completely in C or C++
Neuron Power Engineer switches to this perspective, if you are creating a new project for C or C++. This perspective contains different views, such as the Project Explorer, Problems and Console views.

Remote System Explorer

connecting and working with remote target systems, for instance while debugging your application
This perspective contains different views, such as the Remote Systems view.

See "Opening perspectives" how to open a perspective. If you want to change the layout of 

Neuron Power Engineer, see "Changing layout of views, editors, perpectives".