Opening the properties of resources

How to open the properties of â†’resources:

  1. Select the resource the properties of which you want to open .

  2. In menu File or from the context menu of the resource, select Properties.
    Result: The properties are displayed for the selected resource. Properties may include but are not limited to:

    • path relative to the project

    • type of resource

    • absolute file system location

    • size of resource

    • last modified date

    • attributes, e.g. whether "read only"

How to open the properties of a â†’project:

  1. Select the project or a resource in the project.

  2. In menu Project, select Properties.

How display the properties for the selected resource in the Properties view:

  1. Select the resource the properties of which you want to view.

  2. In menu Navigate, select Show In and Properties.