Maximizing the screen space

Neuron Power Engineer provides these possibilities to maximize the screen space:

  • Press Alt+F11 so that the Neuron Power Engineer window is maximized (= the full screen mode is disabled). Title bar and status bar of Neuron Power Engineer are automatically hidden.
    Press Alt+F11 again to exit the full screen mode.

  • Press Ctrl+3 (to use the quick access). Enter the first letters of the command Toggle visibility of the window toolbars and then select this proposed command. Result: All currently visible toolbars of Neuron Power Engineer are hidden.
    Repeat these steps in order to have the toolbars displayed again.

  • To save space in the toolbar, the buttons to switch the perspective show only the icons and not the name of perspectives.
    If you want to see the names, open the context menu for a button to switch the perspective and select the command Show Text.

Moreover, it is possible to maximize one of the views or editors.