Loading and testing the library on the target system (= PiL-test)


The execution of the tests on the →target system, also know as the execution of the →PiL-tests, is another recommended step for a logi.SAFE library or a logi.WEB library.
Without any PiL-tests, the PiL-report is missing for the following release.
Mind that the execution of the PiL-tests is using the test suites that have been created for the execution of the →SIL-tests and that have automatically been packed within the library.

If you want to generate a Neuron Power Engineer library, skip this instruction. Usually, a Neuron Power Engineer library is deployed and installed only.

How to load and test the logi.SAFE or logi.WEB library:

  1. Create a device object for a device configuration by which means you are going to address the target system during the PiL-test. Details: See "Creating a device object".

  2. Within the device object, enter the same platform that has already been specified within the library configuration for the logi.SAFE or logi.WEB library. Then save the device object.

  3. Expand the library configuration in the project explorer after the libraries have been generated. Open the context menu for one library displayed in the sub-level.

  4. Create the required target system image based on the binary library file and load the image onto the device. Contact Neuron for details on this step.

  5. Select the command PiL-Test and the corresponding device.
    Result: Neuron Power Engineer generates a library named library__version-PiL.zip within the sub-folder target of the project. The files confirming that the PiL-test has been executed are included within this ZIP-file.
    See "Generating and examining a library or password-protected library", if the folder target is not displayed in the project explorer and you want to display it.

If a test case has been executed for the SiL-test but not for the PiL-test, best practice is to check the appertaining test suite file:

  1. Open the test suite file (= file with file extension .test) within a text editor.

  2. In this file, search for the name of the test case.

  3. Check whether tags are specified below the name of the test case.

    test CountUpAndResetCV
      [Tags]  tf_skipInterpreted
      Head  Time  CU  R  PV  ENO?  Q?  CV?  CycleTime=T#10ms
  4. (info) The tag tf_skipInterpreted is the cause that the test case has been ignored for the PiL-test for a library. At present it is not possible to specify tags within the Excel test suite. Moreover, tags are ignored when a test suite file is exported to Excel – hence, they are not exported.

  5. Neuron recommends to remove the tag from the test suite file and to repeat the execution of the SiL-tests as well as the PiL-tests. It is imperative to check the best course of action with the persons that have created the test case and/or the element for the library. 


Good to know

(grey lightbulb) Neuron Power Engineer provides a tool for the automated PiL-test.