→Graphical editor

The graphical →editor provides a graphical user interface in order to create the elements for the application. Depending on the kind of the editor, a graphical editor also displays the elements of the logic or the diagram as graphical symbols. Moreover, it might provide some graphical components to separately list the elements of the logic or diagram (such as declared →variables). Compare: →textual editor

How to open the graphical editor:


Double-click the FBD-object.
Alternative: open the context menu of the FBD-object, select Open With –  FBD-Editor


Double-click the LD-object.
Alternative: open the context menu of the LD-object, select Open With –  LD-Editor


Double-click the enum-object.


Double-click the global-object.
Alternative: open the context menu of the global-object, select Open With –  Editor for Global-Object