When is the fingerprint for an application not changed and when is it changed?

The Instances view displays 2 fingerprints:

  1. The first fingerprint is displayed for the saved state of the application on the PC. The view displays this fingerprint in the line for the resource. Example: In the case of the built-in PLC, this is usually the line with the name local

  2. The second fingerprint is displayed for the loaded state of the application on the PLC. The view displays this fingerprint in the line Code identification below of PLC Information.

Unchanged fingerprint

The Instances view displays identical fingerprints in the view (in the line for the resource and for Code identification).

Examples of possible causes:

  • You have not changed/saved the application since you loaded it onto the PLC.

  • Specific parts of the changed application are not code-relevant (so they do not have any impact on the calculation of the fingerprint). Example: comments in ST, specifications on an EtherCAT provider within the PLC-object (see under "Accessing hardware IOs via EC-Engineer")

  • You are using C-/C++-blocks in the application, you have just changed the C-/C++-code of these C-/C++-blocks. If you want to be sure that the current version of the application is loaded onto the PLC, you must load the application onto the PLC

Changed fingerprint

The Instances view displays different fingerprints in the view (in the line for the resource and for Code identification).

Examples of possible causes:

  • You have changed/saved the application since you loaded it onto the PLC. As a consequence, the state of the application loaded onto the PLC is different from the saved state in Neuron Power Engineer.
    Example: You have saved changes in ST-code, FBD-logic or ladder diagrams and these changes are code-relevant.

    A changed interface of a C-/C++-block changes the fingerprint as well.

  • If you have not changed the code-relevant parts of the application since loading the application onto the PLC and the fingerprints are different anyway, please check whether one of the following causes might apply:

    • You have installed a new version of Neuron Power Engineer. And – due to technical reasons – Neuron had to change the building process of the binary files that are needed for loading.

    • The system integrator has enhanced the code generation so that the code (generated when building the application) is enhanced during or after the building of the application. And the enhancements are only a part of the application as it is loaded onto the PLC.

Solutions so that the same fingerprint is used/displayed:

  • Recommended: Load the application onto the PLC.

  • If a different fingerprint is still displayed:

    • Only possible/reasonable for an application that has not changed: Use the previous version of Neuron Power Engineer in which an identical fingerprint is displayed.

    • Contact your system integrator in order to clarify how to proceed.