Declaration of a data type in ST

  name1 : <data type declarations with optional initialization>;
  name2 : <data type declarations with optional initialization>;

declaration of →user-defined data types, name1 etc. must be →IEC-identifiers.
The declaration is possible within an ST-object – the declaration is done either within the global →namespace or within a declared namespace. TYPE and END_TYPE are →keywords for the declaration of user-defined data types. After name : enter the declarations for the data type itself. See the following articles, if you need information about the declaration and the access:

You will find the following examples in the descriptions of the corresponding data type as well. Those descriptions explain these examples in more details and list even more examples.

  TrafficLight : INT (Red := 1, Yellow:= 2, Green := 3);     (* data type with named values *)
  myType: ARRAY [1..9] OF INT := [1, 2, 3];                  (* array data type, base type = 'INT' *)   
  RangeS : STRUCT                                            (* structured data type *)   
    signal   : BOOL;       
    scaleMin : DINT;  
    scaleMax : DINT; 
  typeScalings : ARRAY [1..5] OF myINT := [2(3), 2(), 4];    (* array data type, base type = 'myINT' *)
  RangeConf    : RangeS := (scaleMin := -5, scaleMax := 5);  (* derived data type, base type = 'RangeS' *)
  myINT : INT := 5;                                          (* derived data type, base type = 'INT' *)

Moreover, you are able to use the following language elements for ST when declaring a data type: