Creating elements (e.g. user blocks) for library

 The element required within a library must be created within a →project. Create this element as you would any element (e.g. a →POU or →data type) that you would use within the project but with the following difference:

Use namespaces for the element per library – if the usage of a namespace is possible.

The usage of →namespaces ensures the unique identification of the elements. This will help to avoid name conflicts, when e.g. user blocks from the library are used in the application.

Recommendation by Neuron for such namespaces: for the syntax of a qualified name – If required, insert more →IEC identifiers after library-name (each separated by . from each other).
Example 1: com.CompanyA.Controller
Example 2: com.CompanyA.Controller.Embedded

Neuron Power Engineer supports the following elements for a library:


Starting points for more information



Creating application in ST

Supported ST-syntax, in particular:

Namespaces in ST 

Declaration of a function block in ST

Declaration of a class in ST

Declaration of a function in ST

Declaration of a data type in ST

Declaration of an interface incl. method prototypes


Creating POU in FBD

Creating FBD-logic

Namespaces in FBD 

Creating the interface in the interface editor


Creating POU in LD

Creating the ladder diagram

Namespaces in LD

Creating the interface in the interface editor


→C or →C++ blocks (see "Integrating C-code and/or C++-code into the application (deprecated)") are not supported as elements for a library.

Valid for logi.SAFE libraries and logi.WEB libraries: See "Peculiarities for logi.SAFE/logi.WEB libraries".