Creating application in C or C++

Neuron Power Engineer provides the possibility to create an application completely in →C or →C++. This possibility  is not provided in all variants of Neuron Power Engineer.

Mind the following consequences:

  • This possiblity excludes all other possibilities to create the application for the current project.
    This means that you are not able to create objects in →ST and/or in →FBD within Neuron Power Engineer projects that have been created based on project templates for C or C++.

  • Some →views of Neuron Power Engineer do not contain information for an application that is created completely in C or C++ (e.g. the Instances view).
    This means that you are not able to use all views within such Neuron Power Engineer projects in order to execute the appropriate actions.

    If you do not want to turn down the advantages of ST/FBD programming and of the Neuron Power Engineer view, Neuron recommends the alternative to integrate the C-code or C++-code into the application.

In this article:
Articles in this section:


  1. The Neuron Power Engineer version must have been configured by Neuron.

  2. A toolchain (e.g. MinGW for a Windows platform) is required in order to build and debug the application.
    (info) A toolchain is a set of tools, such as compiler, linker, assembler, intended to build the application. Additional tools, such as a debugger, can be associated with a toolchain.

Hence, if you are interested in this possibility, contact Neuron in order to get a pre-configured Neuron Power Engineer version and/or recommendations on the GNU toolchain appropriate for your target platform.

Im Admin-Doku-Artikel "Using the runtime system service development kit" wird bereits MinGW erwähnt (mit Download-Links).

Instructions how to create an application in C or C++

Best practice for learning how to create an application in C or C++ is to use a simple example project "Hello World". Hence, follow the instructions of this section in the specified order.

When you are creating your own application in C or C++, proceed in a similar way.

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) When you create the application completely in C or C++, observe the following:

  • Knowledge about programming in C and/or C++ is essential.

  • The user documentation of  Neuron Power Engineer contains just an introduction. If you need more information and as Neuron Power Engineer is using the C/C++ Development Toolkit (CDT) of Eclipse, please consult the current release of the Eclipse documentation (provided under – search for the section "C/C++ Development User Guide").