Creating a device object

How to create a device object for a device configuration:

  1. Select a folder of the â†’project in which you want to create the device object.

  2. In menu File or from the context menu of the folder, select New and the command Device Object.
    Result: The project explorer displays the created device object (with icon ).  The editor for the device object is opened.

  3. Start to enter the code in the editor for the device object.

    Good to know

    (grey lightbulb) The editor for the device object is similar to the ST-editor. Therefore, you are able to:

    • use the features of the ST-editor (e.g. the content assist) within the editor for the device object as well.

    • apply actions within the ST-editor to a large part within the editor for the device object. Just select a command within the editor for the device object. If the result is not to your liking, undo the action (menu EditUndo).

    (grey lightbulb)The editor for the device object supports a different syntax than the ST-editor. See "Possible syntax within the device object" for the correct syntax within the editor for the device object.

  4. Save the ST-code: e.g. menu File and command Save