Closing LD-editor

How to close an →object that is opened in an LD-editor:

  • In menu File, select Close. Alternative: Click  (the Close button) in the title bar of the object.
    Neuron Power Engineer prompts you to save any changes before the object closes.
    By default, saving automatically triggers the creation of code that is required for the →target system (see "Cleaning projects" for more information). By default, the files with the code are not displayed within the project explorer

How to close all objects that are opened in an →editor:

  • In menu File, select Close All. Alternative: Open the context menu for the title bar of one object, then select Close All.
    Neuron Power Engineer prompts you to save any changes before the objects close.

How to close all objects that are opened in an editor and that are saved:

  • In menu File, select Close All Saved.