Browsing to the objects within the application

How to find objects within the application (= a →project) and how to browse through the declarations of the objects:

  1. Make the Object Browser view visible.
    (info) Move or resize the view, if you need more screen space for the view.

  2. Select the project under Select project.

  3. Enter the search parameters within the inputs fields above the columns for the upper list.
    Best practice is to start with a string (or a part of it) within the field above the column Name% (for any set of characters) and _ (for any character but exactly one) are possible as wildcards within the string (see "Examples for searching by using the object browser" for details).

  4. Click Search.
    The next steps depend on the number of matches that are displayed in the upper list.

    1. If there are no matches but the status bar of the view displays the status message Search completed successfully, there are no objects matching the entered search parameter. Adjust the search parameter and click Search again, until matches are listed.

    2. If a lot of matches are displayed and you want to filter them, best practice is to enter additional strings within the other input fields (e.g. above the column Type) and click Search again.
      The strings in all input fields are connected with each other (AND operation). See again "Examples for searching by using the object browser" for details.

  5. Browse to the corresponding object by double-clicking a match (= a line) within the upper list. Alternative: Select the match and click the Enter-key.
    Result: Neuron Power Engineer opens the editor in which the object is declared. This editor is opened without  →instance context. Subsequently, the editor does not display any current values of variables on the →PLC. If possible, the declaration of the object is selected within the editor to easily spot it.

  6. Browse to the next object by double-clicking the next match (= line) within the upper list or by clicking the Enter-key for a selected match.

    Good to know

    (grey lightbulb) If you have browsed to the correct editor but not to the right position within the editor, best practice is to use one of the provided editor features to change the position/view fast. See:

  7. If you want to get information on the instance usages of an object as well, click on a match (= a line) within the upper list.
    Result: The lower list displays the instance usages of the selected object.

  8. If very many instance usages are displayed and you want to filter them, best practice is to enter strings within the input fields above the colums for the lower list (e.g. above the column Instance Path).
    The strings in these input fields are connected with each other as well (AND operation). See again "Examples for searching by using the object browser" for details.

  9. Browse to the object with the instance usage by double-clicking a match (= a line) within the lower list. Alternative: Select the match and click the Enter-key.
    Result: Neuron Power Engineer opens the editor in which the object is declared. This editor is opened with  →instance context. If there is a connection to the PLC, the editor displays the current values of variables on the →PLC. If possible, the declaration of the object is selected within the editor to easily spot it.

  10. Browse to the next object with the instance usage by double-clicking the next match (= line) within the lower list or by clicking the Enter-key for a selected match.

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) The Object Browser view provides these additional possibilities:

  • It is possible to open an editor without instance context from within the lower list as well: Press and hold the Alt-key while you double-click a match (= line) in the lower list.

  • All matches and/or instance usages can be sorted by one of the columns in ascending or descending order:

    1. Click the column header that you want the sorting to be based on.
      Result:  in the column header indicates the descending order,  indicates the ascending order.

    2. If you need to activate the other order type: Click on the column header again.


Known restrictions

For larger projects, the reaction of the object browser might take longer than it is expected or not be performed as expected.

  • If you select a search result in the upper list, it might take up to 10 seconds until the instance usages of the selected object are displayed in the lower list of the object browser and the object browser reacts to user actions again.

  • If you double-click a result of a search in order to navigate to an object, it might be possible that no editor is opened. Workaround: Select the result of the search and press the Enter-key.