Adding tasks, using and removing them

Create and use tasks to record reminders for code in the ST-editor. As soon as the task is done, mark the task as completed. 

How to create a task in the ST-editor:

  1. Go to the line where you want to create a task.

  2. In menu Edit or from the context menu of the border left of the code, select Add Task...

  3. In the dialog, enter the description and the priority for the task, then click OK
    Result: The task icon  appears in the border left of the code. Moreover the task is added in Tasks view.

How to remove a created task in the ST-editor:

  1. Go to the line containing the task.

  2. From the context menu of the border left of the code, select Remove Task.
    Result: The task icon  disappears from the border left of the code. Moreover the task is removed from Tasks view.

How to go to the code in the ST-editor for that a task has been created:

  1. Go to Tasks view.

  2. Double-click the appropriate task or select Go to from the context menu of the task.
    Result: The object opens within the editor and the line containing the task is selected to easily spot it.

How to mark a task as completed:

  1. Go to Tasks view.

  2. Select Mark Completed from the context menu of the task.

See "Tasks view for reminders" for more possibilities with tasks.