Validating the application running on the PLC

This article is about the workflow phase "integration and system test" for an application.

The application running on the PLC is validated based on the test specification for the application. This validation must be documented by a test report for the application.

(info) The test specification for the application and the test report for the application are not detailed in this safety manual. If you need details, consult the relevant standards or other appropriate documentation.

The integration and system tests are required to provide evidence that the application

  • fulfills the requirements when executed on the safety PLC and

  • contains neither undesired functionalities nor undesired properties.

The validation is not done in Neuron Power Engineer. However, some features or Neuron Power Engineer (such as the Values of Variables view) may be used to support the validation.

See the safety manual for the target platform for instructions and warnings on a validation, e.g. the "logi.µSRTS safety manual", article "Validating the application running on the PLC".

When validating an application, comply with the warnings as specified in this safety manual for the target platform and the following warning 1 and warning 2:

Warning 1

A qualified user has to validate the application before it can be used in operation.LCOIII-61060 - The safety manual must contain the information that the user has to validate the safety application before it is used in operation.

Warning 2

When validating the application running on the PLC, observe the unsupported elements of Neuron Power Engineer as well (as listed in the article "List of unsupported and restricted elements") – in particular, the testing/debugging features.