A project cannot be imported.

This article contains possible solutions, if you are experiencing difficulties when importing projects.
If you do not want to import the entire project but only parts of it, follow the instructions as given under "Importing objects and folders".

Symptom 1:
In the wizard to import, no directory can be selected to which the project should be imported. Only folders of opened projects are listed for selection. If there is no project in the project explorer, no folder at all is listed for selection and the wizard displays the message Cannot import into a workspace with no open projects. Please create a project before importing.



On the first wizard page, the type Archive File or File system has been selected.
Result: You can only import objects/folders into an existing project, but this does not import a project.


  1. Return to the first wizard page.

  2. Select the type Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next >.

  3. On the next wizard page, select one of these options:

    1. Select root directory, if the project resides in a directory

    2. Select archive file, if the project exists as archive file

  4. Type in the full path to the project or the archive file (or click the associated button Browse...). 

  5. Select the project which you would like to import and Click Finish.

Symptom 2:
In the wizard to import, the button Finish is disabled and the project to be imported is disabled under Projects. Moreover, the wizard displays the message Some projects cannot be imported because they already exist in the workspace.



The project already exists in the project explorer.
Result: It is not necessary (and possible) to import the project.

Close the wizard.

The project does not exist in the project explorer but it exists on the disk (in the workspace).
Result: Importing from an archive file is not possible.

  1. In the wizard, select option Select root directory.

  2. Uncheck the option Copy projects into workspace.

  3. Then, type in the full path of the workspace (besides to Select root directory).
    Result: Projects lists the projects existing in the workspace. Projects not existing in the project explorer are enabled.

  4. Select the project you want to import and click Finish.