Resizing the interface of a block

The interface editor provides different possibilities to resize the interface of a →block. Morover, you are able to determine a minimum and maximum size so that the the call within an FBD-editor can be resized to this size only. Or you configure the block so the resizing is not possible at all or that more in-/outputs become visible when the block is enlarged.

If you are already using →calls of the →block within →graphical editors, Neuron recommends to close all editors before the interface is changed. When e.g. the FBD-editor is re-opened, the changed interface is automatically updated in some aspects.

Changing the interface size

If you insert a call of the block into the FBD-editor, the call is inserted with this predefined size. If the setting Fixed size is unchecked (= default), you are able to resize the already inserted block.
Special case: If the setting Expandable is unchecked (= default) and if in-/outputs are located on positions > this predefined interface size, the block is automatically made larger so that all in-/outputs are visible when the block is inserted.

How to define this size:

  • in the preview of the interface editor by using the mouse:

    1. Point to the right or lower edge of the block.
      Result: The mouse cursor changes its shape.

    2. Press and hold the primary mouse button, drag the edge to the requested size and release the primary mouse button.
      Restriction: The block can only be made smaller as long as all declared in-/outputs are visible.

  • in the tab Properties:

    1. Switch to the tab Properties.

    2. Enter the requested width under Width (as position data of an input/output) and press the Enter-key.
      Result: The width is updated in the preview.

    3. Enter the requested height under Height (as position data of an input/output) and press the Enter-key.
      Result: The height is updated in the preview.

Restrictions for the position data under Width and Height:

  • If you delete the position data or you enter 0, the default size of a block is used. The default width is 6, the default height depends on the number of the declared in-/outputs.

  • Negative position data and position data above 50 are not accepted. Instead of them, the maximum of 50 is automatically used.

Making the block to be of fixed size

By default, a call of the block that has been inserted into the FBD-editor can be made smaller or larger.

How to make the block within the FB-Editor to be of fixed size so that it cannot be made smaller/larger:

  1. Switch to the tab Properties.

  2. Check Fixed size.
    Result: The fields for Min. and Max. within the tab become disabled.

Determining your own minimum/maximum size

By default (= in case of unchecked setting Fixed size), a call of the block that has been inserted into the FBD-editor can be made smaller (down to the minimum of 1 or until the last declared in-/output) or larger (up to the maximum of 50).

How to define your own minimum/maximum (between 1 and 50):

  1. Switch to the tab Properties.

  2. Enter the requested minimum width and/or minimum height under Min. (as position data of an input/output) and press the Enter-key.

  3. Enter the requested maximum width and/or maximum height under Max. (as position data of an input/output) and press the Enter-key.

Note: The same restrictions are valid for the position data under Min. and Max. as they are valid for the position data under Width and Height.

Making more in-/outputs visible when enlarging or hiding in-/outputs when making smaller

By default, a call of the block is automatically enlarged so that all in-/outputs are visible when it is inserted into the FBD-editor. Subsequently, it is not possible to make the call smaller because all in-/outputs are always displayed.

How to make more in-/outputs visible when the block is enlarged or how to hide them when the block is made smaller:

  1. Enter the appropriate position data under WidthHeight as well as Min. and Max. (as previously explained).

  2. Check Expandable.

  3. Go to the tab In-/Outputs and enter the necessary position data for each in-/output. This position may be outside the size determined by Width and Height. Details: see "Changing position and orientation of in-/outputs in the interface for a block".