Predefined specifications for names of projects/folders/objects

When the rule Only identifiers conform to predefined specifications must be used for projects/folders/objects is activated for validating the application, the names of →projects, →folders and other →objects (incl. file extensions) within the project explorer are checked whether they are conform to predefined specifications.

This rule can be used e.g. to check the →MISRA-conformity of the corresponding names of the application.

By default, the following specifications are predefined for Neuron Power Engineer (they are based on the MISRA rule MISRA AC GMG 004):

  • names for projects, folders and objectss:

    • length: 1 – 31 characters

    • allowed: letters A – Z or a – b (without umlauts), numbers 0 – 9, the characters _ (underline) and . (dot)

    • not allowed: blanks, leading numbers, leading or trailing underlines, no sequences of more than one underline
      Moreover, a name corresponding to an IEC-system-block is not allowed. Examples: RSAND
      The name of a default folder of Neuron Power Engineer is also not allowed. The default folders are required by Neuron Power Engineer for a correct mode of operation within the project. Usually, the default folders are hidden within the project explorer. The names of the default folders are: src-gentargettest-genoem-dataPiLTestExecutionProject

  • file extensions for objects: 

    • length: more than 5 characters are allowed – This is a deviation from the MISRA rule!

    • allowed: as with names for projects, folders and objects

    • not allowed: blanks, leading numbers, underlines

(info) An identifier of an object or a project is already checked when the object/project is created in the project explorer. Subsequently, the name entered in the dialog must be conform to the predefined specifications.
Identifiers of folders are only checked, when the command to start the validation is selected.

(warning) Depending on the system configuration it is possible that there are different predefined specifications for your applications. If in doubt, contact your system integrator and ask for more details on the relevant system configuration.


(tick) conform names

(error) not conform names


My Project









The name Counter.iecfbd of the object is not conform to MISRA (because of the 6 characters for the file extension) but Neuron Power Engineer will not report that there is a rule violation.