Loading the built application onto PLC

Use the command Load Application in the Instances view, if you want to load the already created binary files onto one →PLC. If you want to build the application for an available PLC and load it onto this PLC at the same time, rather use the command Build and Load Application.

Conditions for Load Application:

How to load the binary files so that they are executed on the PLC:

  1. In the Instance view: Select the requested PLC (= appertaining IEC-resource with icon ) or one of the children.
    Result: Above the toolbar for the view, the selected PLC incl. the project name is displayed. 

  2. Click .

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) The Resource Manager view provides the possibility to load the application for several PLCs in one go.

(grey lightbulb) Neuron Power Engineer provides a tool for the automated loading of PLC applications.