Importing project

You can import a deleted project into the view containing the projects/resources at any time, when its contents are still residing within the file system.

How to import an existing project into Neuron Power Engineer – either from a directory or an archive file:

  1. In menu File or from the context menu within the view, select Import...

  2. In the wizard, expand General, select Existing Projects into Workspace and click Next >.
    To locate a particular type: Enter a text (e.g. Project) into the field under Select an import source to show only the wizards that match the entered text.

  3. On the next wizard page, select either Select root directory or Select archive file. Then type in the full path or click the associated button Browse to locate the project on the file system. 

  4. Under Projects select the project or projects which you would like to import.
    If the project is disabled in the list or it is not displayed at all, see "A project cannot be imported" or "The same folder when creating C-/C++ projects causes problems" for solutions.
    To speed up the selection process: Click button Select All to select all found projects or button Deselect All to deselect all found projects. Click button Refresh to rescan the selected source for projects to import.

  5. Optional: Select Copy projects into workspace to copy the imported projects into the current workspace.

  6. Click Finish to start the import.
    Result: The imported projects are displayed within the view containing the projects/resources. Now you can open the objects of the projects (for editing) or create new objects in them.

Did linked folders become "real" folders after importing?

After you have imported a project from an archive file, →linked folders in the project might have become "real" folders. This might cause problems, when you are using objects included in the (actually linked) folders. Details: see "Linked folders are considered when exporting a project into an archive file"


Good to know

 Neuron Power Engineer provides a tool for the automated import of Neuron Power Engineer projects into a workspace.

Recommended, if you are using projects that have been created in a previous version of Neuron Power Engineer: Clean the imported projects.

 If an exception occurs while importing a project or another error occurs while working with the project and this error is not otherwise specified, see "Basic workarounds in case of errors while importing projects and other operations with projects" for possible workarounds.