Finding references for element

Ho to find references for an element in the ST-editor and how to go to a found reference:

  1. Click into the element for which you want to find references.
    Example: Click into the declaration of a →function block. Such as ST-code could be: FUNCTION_BLOCK Control ... END_FUNCTION_BLOCK


    It is not possible to find references for →methods.

  1. From the context menu of the ST-editor, select Find References.
    Result: Neuron Power Engineer lists all found references for the element in the Search view. The first level lists the name of the element, the second level lists the references.

  2. Expand the first level (if necessary). Click a listed reference on the second level. 
    Example: You could arrive at the →call of the function block  Control (...); where the name  Control is selected to easily spot the reference.