Evaluation of networks in FBD and the FBD-elements

The order in which →networks in the FBD-editor and their FBD-elements are →evaluated is not necessarily the same as the order as they are positioned. Similarly, it is not necessary that all networks be evaluated before the evaluation of a given network can be repeated.

When the networks and their elements are evaluated, Neuron Power Engineer applies the specifications of the →IEC-standard. However, if the IEC-standard does not specify details for continuing the evaluation, specifications internal for Neuron Power Engineer are applied. This section informs you about all rules applied.

Mind the following:

  1. If there are several networks within the FBD-editor, first Neuron Power Engineer determines a network to be evaluated. See "Order of networks in FBD".

  2. For this network to be evaluated, Neuron Power Engineer determines the order of the statements to be evaluated. See "Order of statements within an FBD-network".
    (info) When you are showing the execution order, you see the order of the statements to be evaluated.

  3. The evaluation of the SFC elements is the result of the order of the SFC elements and of specified rules of evolutions. See "Evaluating SFC elements".