Errors when connecting to the PLC or loading, starting, stopping the application

This section quotes all errors that might occur when connecting to the PLC, when loading the application onto the PLC, when building the application, when starting or stopping the execution.
You get hints for eliminating the errors unless the solution is self-evident.

Good to know

(grey lightbulb) For errors in context with a PLC, best practice is to also check the PLC Logging view for trace and/or alarm messages of the →runtime system. These messages might detail the error cause.

By default, Neuron Power Engineer displays up to 200 error messages and 200 warning/informational messages, even if there are more messages when the application is built/loaded.
Information for administrators or system integrators: Consult the English documentation "Neuron Power Engineer administrator's manual", if you want to change the default for this display (search for the expression lc3.max.cdt.errors and lc3.max.cdt.warnings).

Unexpected error at target
Solution: Use the version of the runtime system that is included in the downloaded package. See "Release notes for current version" for information which version of the runtime system is valid for the current version of Neuron Power Engineer.

Cannot connect to target system.
Solution 1: Check the settings within the PLC-object (TCP address and port). Make sure that the PLC can be accessed via the network.

Solution 2: See the troubleshooting article "No connection to the target system, but there are error messages" for information on this.

Cannot connect to target system. Check the PLC-object for possible errors.
Solution: Correct the items within the PLC-object that are highlighted as faulty. For instance, specify a valid platform.

Common error during execution of a target command.
Solution: Try to load the application again. Usually this message indicates a temporary error. 

The target system has refused the attempt to connect.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the configuration of the target system.
Information for user and system integrators: The most probable cause for the error is that the target system or a Gateway communication plugin is so configured that the target system refuses an attempt of Neuron Power Engineer to connect.

Error during execution of a target command.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

Timeout while executing target command "command" (IP address of target is IP address)
Solution 1: Optimize your network configuration or the network data traffic for a shorter latencies during the communication. Then try to load the application again.
Solution 2 (if STOP_RESOURCE is specified as target system command): Check whether the shutdown state is activated for the execution of the application. If the state is activated, enter a shorter period for execution of the shutdown state (≤ 3000 ms). See the FAQ-article "Can I configure the execution of an application (the executed cycles)?" for information on this.
Solution 3 (in particular if you are using MQTT functions within the application): Allow the connections that are required by Neuron Power Engineer but are blocked by the Windows Firewall. See the troubleshooting article "The Windows Firewall has blocked features of this program" for information on this.
Solution 4: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.. If output anew, this message indicates that the timeout settings on the host are not adapted to the processing times. See the FAQ article "Can the loading of the application onto the PLC be time-limited?" about the possibility to define a different timeout.

Connection lost during execution of a target command.
Solution: Make sure that the PLC can be accessed via the network.

Faulty source files. The application for the PLC (resource "name", platform toolkit "name") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information. and/or
Faulty PLC-object. The application for the PLC (resource "name", platform toolkit "name") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information. and/or
Error resolving external variables. The application for the PLC (resource "name", platform toolkit "name") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information. and/or
Used blocks are not supported. The application for the PLC (resource "name", platform toolkit "name") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information. and/or
Version of runtime system is a.b.c but must be x.y.z. The application for the PLC (resource "name", platform toolkit "name") cannot be created/loaded. Check the views "Error Log" and "Problems" for more information. and/or
An error occurred during compiling or linking the code image (error code: number).
Solution 1: Check troubleshooting article "Cannot build or load application" whether Neuron Power Engineer might encounter one of the listed causes. Perform the steps given as solution. Then try to load the application again.
Solution 2: If the following steps seem acceptable to you, open all objects (e.g. ST-objects) existing in the project and save them. Then try to load the application again.
Solution 3: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well. If output anew, this message indicates an internal error.

Missing metadata for the connection to the PLC. Make sure that the generation of metadata has been enabled when starting product. Then build the application.

  1. Make sure that the generation of metadata is enabled before Neuron Power Engineer is started.

  2. Go to the folder where you installed Neuron Power Engineer.

  3. Locate the file NeuronPowerEngineer.ini and open it in a text editor.

  4. Search for -DLC3useRTS3MetaData.

  5. If this configuration variable is defined with value false, define the value true.

    Example for corrected lines

    (info) By default, the generation of metadata is activated in Neuron Power Engineer. However, the generation has been deactivated due to -DLC3useRTS3MetaData=false (after the option -vmargs).

  6. Save the file.

Afterwards restart Neuron Power Engineer. Then try to connect to the PLC again, to build the application and load it onto the PLC.

The application cannot be loaded onto the PLC. For more information open this file: name
Solution 1: Open the named file and fix the cause mentioned in the file. Then try to load the application again.
Solution 2: Check troubleshooting article "Cannot build or load application" whether Neuron Power Engineer might encounter one of the listed causes. Perform the steps given as solution. Then try to load the application again.

Failed to execute the build tool "name". The application for the PLC cannot be created/loaded.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: The build tool might not be located in the path specified in the message. Otherwise the message indicates a different error configuring the platform.

Wrong language setting for the build tool "name". The application for the PLC cannot be created/loaded.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: A wrong language might be set for the build tool (e.g. for the compiler). Of the requested language has not been installed; example: The English language pack is necessary, if Microsoft Visual Studio is used. 

Unknown system library name.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.
This message indicates that the standard functions or standard function blocks of Neuron Power Engineer(e.g. the IEC-blocks) contain an incorrect reference to the system library. Usually, this message does not occur when handling the blocks as described in the user documentation.

Error loading code image (Error code: number)
Solution 1, if error code is 0x10103: Install and use the version of the runtime system which has been released for the current version ofNeuron Power Engineer. See "Release-Notes für aktuelle Version" which version of the runtime system has been released for the current Neuron Power Engineer version. 
Solution 2: Make sure that Neuron Power Engineer and the runtime system as configured as described in the following. Then try to load the application again.

  • A platform is entered in the PLC-object that corresponds to the addressed PLC.  The available platforms and their usage for a certain PLC are listed under "Configuring PLC within PLC-object".

  • The version of the runtime system is used that is valid for the used version of Neuron Power Engineer. See solution 1.

  • There is sufficient space on the PLC.

  • It is possible to write to the file with the already loaded code (i.e. it is not write-protected). Search for the file with the already loaded code within the sub-directories of the workspace (if you are using the built-in PLC) or of the runtime system installation directory. Depending on the used PLC, this is the file RTSCode.dll or Moreover, it must be allowed to write to the file RTSCode.bak as well.

Solution 3: 

  • If you are using the built-in PLC: Stop the built-in PLC. Within the file system: Go to the folder of the workspace. Within this path, search for the file RTSCode.dll. Delete this file. Restart the built-in PLC. Then try to load the application again.

  • If you are using another PLC: Terminate the runtime system. Within the file system: Go to the folder where you installed the runtime system. Within this path, search for the file (if you are using a Linux-based target system) or for the file RTSCode.dll (if you are using a Windows-PC as target system). Delete this file. Restart the runtime system. Then try to load the application again.

Error on starting execution of currently loaded IEC-resource
Solution: View the state information on the PLC. Fix all displayed errors/problems. Then try to start the application again.

Error on stopping execution of currently loaded IEC-resource
Solution: View the state information on the PLC. Fix all displayed errors/problems. Then try to stop the application again.

An unexpected error occurred: File name is missing.
Solution 1: Open the object (e.g. the ST-object) containing the POU mentioned in the file name. Example: In case of missing file lcfu___Motor.c search for text Motor in iec*-files and open the found file (= object). Make a minimal change in this object, delete the change and save the object. Then try to load the application again.

Solution 2: Install a new version of Neuron Power Engineer. If output anew, this message indicates an internal error within the version you are using.
Solution 3: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

Loading to "name" has been finished. Check the fingerprints displayed in the "Instances" view. If they are matching, loading has been completed successfully.
Solution 1, if the →fingerprints differ: Check the PLC for possible errors and/or restart the PLC. Then try to load the application again.
Solution 2, if the fingerprints differ again: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check of the target system.

External variable "name : data type" in POU "name" has no global variable in resource "name" or in program instance "name".
Solution: Search for the mentioned →POU resp. for the mentioned →resource (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the object (e.g an ST-object with this POU resp. an PLC-object with this resource). In the resource or the program, declare the →global variable (see "Declaration of global variables in ST"). This is necessary so that the →external variable can be declared/used within a →program→function block or a →function. Save the changed object. Then try to load the application again.

Faulty code

Correct code






fb1 : MyFun;





Var1 : INT;





Var1 : INT;



fb1 : MyFun;





Var1 : INT;



The type of external variable "name" in POU "name" does not match the type of the global variable in program "name"
Solution: Search for the mentioned →POU resp. for the mentioned →program (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the object (e.g. an ST-object with this POU resp. an ST-object with this program). Enter the same data type for the →global variable and the →external variable. Save the changed object. Then try to load the application again.

Faulty code

Correct code



Var1 : INT;



fb1 : MyFun;





Var1 : BOOL;





Var1 : INT;



fb1 : MyFun;





Var1 : INT;



The type of external variable "name" in POU "name" does not match the type of the global variable in resource "name"
Solution: Search for the mentioned →POU resp. for the mentioned →resource (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the object (e.g an ST-object with this POU resp. an PLC-object with this resource). Enter the same data type for the →global variable and the →external variable. Save the changed object. Then try to load the application again.

The external variable "name" in POU "name" is defined as constant global variable in program "name"
Solution: Search for the mentioned →POU resp. for the mentioned →program (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the object (e.g. an ST-object with this POU resp. an ST-object with this program). As the keyword CONSTANT has been entered for the →global variable, enter it also for the →external variable. Save the changed object. Then try to load the application again.

Faulty code

Correct code



Var1 : INT;



fb1 : MyFun;





Var1 : INT;





Var1 : INT;



fb1 : MyFun;





Var1 : INT;



The external variable "name" in POU "name" is defined as constant global variable in resource "name"
Solution: Search for the mentioned →POU resp. for the mentioned →resource (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the object (e.g an ST-object with this POU resp. an PLC-object with this resource). As the keyword CONSTANT has been entered for the →global variable, enter it also for the →external variable. Save the changed object. Then try to load the application again.

Path to EVC4 compiler is wrong or not defined.
Solution: Perform the solution as given for this message under troubleshooting article "Cannot build or load application". Then try to load the application again.

Target cannot be controlled by different PLC-objects (action)
Solution 1: Enter different target systems in the PLC-objects.
Solution 2, if another person controls the target system from within Neuron Power Engineer (on another computer): Ask this person to terminate his/her session in Neuron Power Engineer. Then try to load, start ot stop the programming again.
Solution 3, if there are more resources declared within the current PLC-object: Disconnect from PLC for one resource before you connect to the PLC for the next resource.

Cannot restart application because the license for runtime system name has expired. (Target system command)
Solution: Request a license for the →runtime system from Neuron and install it in order to operate the runtime system as full version. Procedure: see under "Requesting and installing license". Then try to start the application again.
Alternative to operation as full version: Terminate and restart the runtime system. Without activated license, you can operate the runtime system as demo version only – as a full version for 3 hours after starting the runtime system. For a longer operation, it is recommended that you request and install a license.

The external variable "name" in POU "name" is defined with a different length in program "name".
Solution: Search for the mentioned →POU resp. for the mentioned →program (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the object (e.g. an ST-object with this POU resp. an ST-object with this program). Adapt the length of one of the declared STRING variables (e.g. of the one declared as →external variable). Save the changed object. Then try to load the application again.Example:

Faulty code

Correct code



var4 : STRING[10];





var4 : STRING[5];





var4 : STRING[10];





var4 : STRING[10];



The external variable "name" in POU "name" is defined with a different length in resource "name". 
Solution: Search for the mentioned →POU resp. for the mentioned →resource (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the object (e.g an ST-object with this POU resp. an PLC-object with this resource). Adapt the length of one of the declared STRING variables (e.g. of the one declared as →external variable). Save the changed object. Then try to load the application again.

C-code for system library could not be generated: Text
Solution: Make sure that none of the files that are modified when loading are opened in an editor. Usually, those files are files with C-code or header files for C-code. Then try to load the application again.

C-block "name" is used within the application, but it is intended only for the following platforms: name orC++-blocks are not supported for this platform.
Solution 1: Ask the manufacturer of the →C-block or →C++-block whether it is provided for other platforms as well, in particular for the platform that is entered in the PLC-object that you are using for loading the application.  (The available platforms and their usage for a certain PLC are listed under "Configuring PLC within PLC-object".)
Alternative for solution 1: Do not use the C-/C++-block for your application.
Solution 2, if you have created the C-/C++-block yourself and you have loaded the application to a wrong PLC by mistake: Load the application onto the PLC for which platform the C-/C++-block is intended.
Alternative for solution 2 and a C-block: Search for the mentioned C-block in the ST-code (in the search dialog, enter the name under Containing text) and open the found object (e.g an ST-interface for this C-block). Adjust the existing code so that the block can be used for the requested platform. The following parts might have to be adjusted: interface for the C-blockC-code within the C-block and external C-libraries. Then try to load the application again.

An error occurred during compiling/linking the metadata (error code: number).
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).

Cannot determine base address of metadata.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).

Cannot determine root element address of metadata.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).

Cannot determine target information address of metadata.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).

The action cannot be executed because the appertaining feature is not available for the Gateway.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the Gateway configuration.

Communication via Gateway has already been established for a resource with a same name. Specify a different name for the resource entered in the PLC-object.
Solution: Open the PLC-object which contains the resource for the current application and enter a different name for the resource. Alternative: Disconnect the other application that is using the same resource name from the PLC or close the project for the other application. Then try to execute the failed application.

No connection to the target system possible because the communication driver of the Gateway could not be initialized.
Solution 1: Make sure that the target system can be reached.
Solution 2: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the Gateway configuration.

The application cannot be loaded onto the PLC. Reason: The Gateway is not able to create the necessary data structure.
Solution: Shorten the path of the workspace until the application can be loaded.

No connection to the target system possible because the communication plugin of the Gateway could not be instantiated.
Solution: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the Gateway configuration.

The application cannot be loaded onto the PLC.
Solution 1: Check troubleshooting article "Cannot build or load application" whether Neuron Power Engineer might encounter one of the listed causes. Perform the steps given as solution. Then try to load the application again.
Solution 2: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the Gateway configuration. 

The application cannot be loaded. First stop the application.
Solution: Stop the application. Then try to load the application again.

Missing file with metadata. You have to load the application onto the PLC.
Solution: Load the application so that the requested file exists.

Code identification could not be determined.
Solution: Load the application so that there is a code identification on the target system. 

Metadata has not been generated. If necessary, build the application.
Solution 1: Create or load the application so that the requested file exists.
Solution 2: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the Gateway configuration. 

Cannot find bundle "name".
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK)
.Information for system integrators: A bundle referenced in the platform configuration cannot be localized. The message occurs when using the BUNDLE_INSTALLATION_FOLDER variable.

Preference "name" could not be found for platform toolkit "name".
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: A property referenced in the platform configuration (PTK) does not exist in the current or in the derived platform configurations. The message occurs when using the PROPERTY variable.

Variable "name" is not defined.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: A variable is used in the platform configuration (PTK) but this variable is not supported. At present, only BUNDLE_INSTALLATION_FOLDER and PROPERTY variables are supported.

The value "name" of property "name" is not a relative path.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: A specified path to the platform configuration (PTK) is either absolute or invalid.

Base platform toolkit "name" for "name" is not a Ninja platform toolkit.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: The specified parentToolkit of the platform configuration (PTK) is not suited as based PTK because it does not derive from the PlatformToolkitNinja class.

Base platform toolkit "name" does not exist.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: The specified parentToolkit of the platform configuration (PTK) cannot be found in the current installation.

The value "name" of property "name" contains more than just one path.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: Only one path specification must be listed for the specified property of the platform configuration.

The value "name" of property "name" cannot be parsed to Boolean.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: The specified property must have the value 1true or yes. Otherwise the values 0false or no are also valid.

The code image could not be found while loading the application.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

The code image could not be created.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

Unable to create file containing the entry point addresses.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

Unable to create the file containing the application information.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

Timeout while connecting to the target system.
Timeout while connecting to the Gateway. 
Timeout while requesting the code identification of the target system.
Timeout while requesting a file name.
Timeout while updating the PLC-information.
Timeout while opening a file.
Timeout while writing a file.
Timeout while closing a file.
Timeout while starting the application.
Timeout while transferring the communication driver to the Gateway.
Timeout while loading the communication driver onto the Gateway.
Timeout while adding a resource to the Gateway.
Timeout while updating the application
Timeout while requesting communication driver properties.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.

Platform "name" does not support the IO service "name".
Solution: Change the appropriate element for SERVICE within the specification IO_IMPORT within the PLC-object. Example for a supported IO service: EtherCAT

Failed to read ENI-file "name".
Solution: Make sure that the ENI-file that is the base for synchronizing the resource has been created in EC-Engineer. If in doubt, create a new ENI-file in Neuron Power Engineer and drag this ENI-file anew to a sub-folder of the Neuron Power Engineer project. Take care that the name and sub-folder are identical to the previous name and sub-folder. Afterwards synchronize the resource with the new ENI-file anew. See "Accessing hardware IOs via EC-Engineer" for details. 

No task has been assigned to IO service "name".
Solution: Label one of the tasks as IO task. See "Accessing hardware IOs via EC-Engineer" for details. 

Cannot find data type used for variable "name" in block "name".
Solution: Check which data type is used for the specified variable. Make sure that this data type has been declared.

Error calling compiler. Ensure that the compiler for the target platform is installed and that the environment variable "HTC_DEVELOPMENT" is set.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: Consult the English documentation "Neuron Power Engineer administrator's manual", if you need details on the necessary steps (search for the expression HTC_DEVELOPMENT). 

Cannot use "drive:" as substitute "drive:" is already used.
Solution: Use the letter of a free drive. Details: see "An installation path too long prevents the building/loading of the application".

Cannot use "drive:" as substitute.
Solution: Use the letter of a free drive. Details: see "An installation path too long prevents the building/loading of the application". 

The code generated for variable "name" by openSYDE is invalid.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the application.
Information for user and system integrators: The most probable cause for the error is that the application contains DMA variables without "DMA descriptor".

The platform "platform-name" is specified within the resource "name". However, the library "name" only supports the following platforms: "platform-name" (The following library elements are used: "name").
Solution 1: Delete the specified library elements from the application. Then try to create/load the application again.
Solution 2: Correct the platform entered within the PLC-object so that the platform of the application matches the platform of the library. Then try to create/load the application again.
Solution 3: Contact the manufacturer of the library. Ask for an updated version of the library supporting your required platform.

Directory name could not be deleted.
Solution 1: Make sure that none of the files existing within the specified directory are opened outside of Neuron Power Engineer (e.g. within a text editor) or that the directory itself is opened (e.g. within a command prompt). Close these applications or the command prompts. Then try to execute again the action that has produced this message.
Solution 2: Restart the computer. Then start Neuron Power Engineer and try to execute again the action that has produced this message.
Solution 3, if you need more information: Contact your system integrator.

More than one service of type 'TargetProxyCallbackService' is registered. Hence, the connection is allowed by default.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the platform configuration (PTK).
Information for system integrators: The connection process has not been modified correctly in the platform configuration (PTK).

The existing binary code could not be removed.
File name could not be deleted.
Solution: Remove the probably existing writing protection or lock for the specified file. Then try to create/load the application again.

The extra include "name" with checksum "number" could not be verified. or
The Ninja dependencies file is missing. or
Application checksum file is missing. or
Configuration checksum file is missing.
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for a check/correction of the mentioned files and/or of the configuration of Neuron Power Engineer.
Additional information:

  • Usually, these messages can only occur when creating a safety-relevant application.

  • Extra includes are additional H-files that are specified in the pragma { extraIncludes := ... }  for a →vendor block.

  • Ninja dependencies files are built automatically when the application is built. If it is reported that one of these files does not exist, try to build the application again and check if this message is displayed again.

The source file "name" with checksum "number" could not be verified. or
The source file "name" could not be verified (its checksum does not match the expected checksum "number").
Solution for the user: Contact your system integrator and ask for further analysis of the mentioned file and whether it needs to be verified when creating a security-relevant application.
Additional information: Usually, this message can only occur when creating a safety-relevant application.

The platform-specific source file "name" was verified (checksum is "number"). or
The source file "name" was verified (checksum is "number").
This message informs that the user does not need to verify the mentioned file. Either the file has been provided by the system integrator or it is a component of Neuron Power Engineer.
Additional information: Usually, this message can only occur when creating a safety-relevant application.

Fingerprints do not match for POU "name". Expected "number" but was "number".
Additional information: This message is valid for →POUs as well as for →data types.
Solution: Clean the project. Then try to build/load the application again. If the message occurs again, contact your system integrator and ask for further analysis.
Additional information: Usually, this message can only occur when creating a safety-relevant application. If the specified POU is a POU that is included in a library, this POU is not approved for usage in the safety-relevant application.

The statement "concreteType" as type information is missing for the variable "name" in the POU "name".
Solution: Add the statement concreteType for the instance declaring the vendor function block with ANY inputs. See "Properties for implementing vendor blocks" for details on this statement.
If the instance is included in a library, generate and deploy a new version of the library. Then install this new version in the project

Loading or activating an unknown file or directory on the target system. or
Cleanup of file or directory on the target system failed. or
Invalid content of a file or directory on the target system. or
Invalid activation of a loaded file or directory. or
Invalid state for the loading or activation of file or directory on the target system. or
Timeout while loading a file/directory to the target system. or
Mismatch between source and destination during loading. E.g. loading of a local directory content to a single file of the target system.
Solution: Contact the support team of Neuron. Include your contact information, information on what you were doing in Neuron Power Engineer and all messages listed in the Error Log viewProblems view and/or PLC Logging view. Include any input that you specified/entered in Neuron Power Engineer (objects, files etc.) as well.