Errors and warnings on limitations

This section quotes all errors and warnings that might occur when you are using a restricted version.

Limit for variables/instances: number, limit for pages: number
You are using a restricted version. It is possible to use the version up to the specified limits.

Your license of the FBD-editor is limited. If you exceed a limit, it is not possible to save the FBD-object anymore.
Solution: Stay below the limit so that it is still possible to save and modify the FBD-object. Other messages will inform you, if a limit is exceeded.

POU cannot be saved due to an an exceeded limit.
Solution: Check the error log for details on the exceeded limit. Then delete some of the appropriate elements in the FBD-object until the limit is not exceeded any longer. Afterwards try to save the FBD-object again.

POU cannot be modified due to an exceeded limit.
You are able to inspect the content of the POU and to use the POU. However, it is not possible to modify the POU because you are using a restricted version. Probably, the POU has been created and save with a version that is not restricted or that has been equipped with higher limits.
Solution, if you want modify the POU: Contact Neuron and ask for an increase of the limits.

Limit for variables/instances: number - "name" with number variables/instances has exceeded this limit.
New variables/instances cannot be added because of the limit. 

Limit for variables/instances: number - The action is not completed because number variables/instances would exceed the limit.
Solution, if you require a higher limit: Contact Neuron and ask for an increase of the limits. 

Limit for pages: number - "name" with number pages has exceeded this limit.
New pages in the drawing field cannot be added because of the limit. 

Limit for pages: number - The action is not completed because the limit would be exceeded.
Solution, if you require a higher limit: Contact Neuron and ask for an increase of the limits.