Deleting/removing namespaces for a POU

How to delete the current →namespace with the →graphical FBD-editor:

  1. Make the tab Namespaces visible.

  2. Delete the text entered in the field Current namespace.

  3. Press the Enter-key or click anywhere outside the field to delete the text. Press the ESC-key, if you want to keep the original text.

  4. Save the FBD-editor so that the POU is not declared within a namespace anymore.

  5. Check the messages in the Problems view whether →calls of the current POU are now reported as faulty.

How to remove namespaces used in the current POU:

  1. Make the tab Namespaces visible.

  2. In the field Used namespaces, select one or several namespaces.

  3. Open the context menu and select the command Remove namespace.
    Result: It is not possible to use functions from the appropriate namespaces within the current FBD-editor any longer but the usages of functions blocks and data types from the appropriate namespace are automatically toggled to the fully qualified name (see "Using the list of the used namespaces", if you require details on the fully qualified name). The namespaces themselves are kept within the corresponding POUs.

  4. Save the FBD-editor so that the removed namespaces are not used anymore.

  5. Check the messages in the Problems view whether calls of the current POU are now reported as faulty.