Deleting already deployed libraries

If a library should not be provided by a library provider any longer, delete this library as follows:

  1. Go to the source of the library provider.
    The location of the source is visible in the preferences: menu WindowPreferences, group Library ProviderLibrary Provider

  2. In the source, delete the corresponding library file. If you have not permissions to do so, ask an administrator to delete the file.

  3. Recommended: Examine the list of the provided/available libraries (within the properties of a project).
    If the library is listed there, the library is either used in the project (in this case the library is labeled with ) or the library is provided by the library cache (in this case the library is labeled with ). See below steps for correction.

If a library is used within a project and it should be removed from it, delete this library from the project as follows:

  1. Open the properties of the project from which the library should be deleted.

  2. Expand the group Library and select Libraries.

  3. Under Libraries, perform the following steps in order to deinstall the library:

    1. Uncheck the box in the column Install for the library.

    2. Click Apply and OK.
      Result: The project does not contain the library any longer.

If a library is provided by the library cache only and it should be removed from it, clean the library cache.