Defining alternative names for a block

The interface editor provides a possibility to define an alternative name for the →block itself as well as for each variable or the return value respectively.

If you are already using →calls of the →block within →graphical editors, Neuron recommends to close all editors before the interface is changed. When e.g. the FBD-editor is re-opened, the changed interface is automatically updated in some aspects.

How to define an alternative name for the block:

  1. Switch to the tab Properties.

  2. Enter the requested name under Alternative name and press the Enter-key.
    Result: The preview is updated.

Mind the following: If neither the block name nor the alternative name should be displayed, enter a blank under Alternative name.

How to define an alternative name for an →input variable, an →output variable, an →in-out variables or the return value:

  1. Switch to the tab In-/Outputs.

  2. Perform the following steps for each element (= input variable, output variable, in-out variable or return value) for which you want to enter an alternative name:

    1. Point to the column Alternative name for the element and double-click.

    2. Enter the required name and press the Enter-key.
      Result: The name of the element is updated in the preview. 

Mind the following: If neither the name nor the alternative name should be displayed for all variables and the return value, configure the display accordingly – see "Configuring the display of the in-/outputs for the interface of a block".